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Structural variety of developing and equilibrium horizontal convection confined in a rectangular vessel resulting from different heating plate arrangements

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Title: Structural variety of developing and equilibrium horizontal convection confined in a rectangular vessel resulting from different heating plate arrangements
Authors: Terada, T. Browse this author
Noto, D. Browse this author
Tasaka, Y. Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Miyagoshi, T. Browse this author
Yanagisawa, T. Browse this author
Keywords: Horizontal convection
Thermochromic liquid crystal
Particle tracking velocimetry
Temperature field
Issue Date: Oct-2023
Publisher: Springer
Journal Title: Journal of visualization
Volume: 26
Issue: 5
Start Page: 1055
End Page: 1066
Publisher DOI: 10.1007/s12650-023-00916-4
Abstract: Flow structures formed in a rectangular fluid layer with an aspect ratio of four driven by a horizontal temperature gradient along the top boundary, so-called horizontal convection in both developing and equilibrium cases, were investigated via flow visualization using thermochromic liquid crystal microcapsules. Four separated heating panels on the top of the vessel allowed the influence of the heating plate arrangement on the determination of the flow structure to be examined. The velocity vector fields averaged in local space and time showed that the flow structures in the developing cases with an initial stable temperature stratification consisted of shallow circulation beneath the top boundary, with the time development of the structures being independent of the plate arrangement. The number of circulations along the top boundary is associated with locations having horizontal temperature gradients. In the equilibrium state, however, the flow structures are more complex because of the influence of the unstable temperature stratification, which is modified by the circulation.
Rights: This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at:
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 田坂 裕司

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