Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 田中, 美咲; 芦谷, 大太郎; 中村, 誠宏; 北條, 元; 照井, 勝己; 山科, 健五; 森永, 育男; 斎藤, 満; 菅原, 諭; 鈴木, 健一; 菊地, 貴寿; 三浦, 美明; 浅野, 憲昭; 野村, 睦 | 2010年7月・8月の豪雨による中川研究林内の林道被害と復旧状況 | Report on restoration situation of forest roads damaged by heavy rains of July and August 2010 in Nakagawa Experimental Forest | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 30-Nov-2011 |
bulletin (article) | 山ノ内, 誠; 浪花, 愛子; 川本, 文明; 照井, 勝己; 三浦, 美明 | アカエゾマツ人工林保育作業の省力化 | An approach of saving labor cost and labor management practices in tending plantations of Akaezo spruce (Picea glehnii) | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 26-Dec-2003 |
bulletin (article) | 池上, 佳志; 金子, 潔; 浪花, 愛子; 門松, 昌彦; 山ノ内, 誠; 守田, 英明; 杉山, 弘; 水野, 久男; 斉藤, 満; 森永, 育男; 鈴木, 健一; 照井, 勝己; 山科, 健五; 三浦, 美明; 菅原, 諭; 樋口, 清市; 木村, 孝男 | 音威子府バイパス建設計画に伴う中川研究林における自然環境調査 : 広域・長期モニタリングにおける現状と課題 | Environmental assessment in the Nakagawa Experimental Forest on the occasion of a new road construction in the Otoineppu region : some problems in the long-term and wide range survey on environment | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 31-Oct-2004 |
bulletin (article) | 浪花, 愛子; 池上, 佳志; 山ノ内, 誠; 守田, 英明; 水野, 久男; 杉山, 弘; 金子, 潔; 森永, 育男; 斉藤, 満; 三浦, 美明; 菅原, 諭; 鈴木, 健一 | 積雪期におけるエゾシカ等の痕跡調査について(Ⅰ) : エゾシカが樹木に及ぼす影響 | Survey on the behavior ecology of Sika deer during snow period : effect of grazing of Sika deer on the growth and survival of regenerating trees | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 26-Dec-2003 |
bulletin (article) | 浪花, 彰彦; 山ノ内, 誠; 守田, 英明; 三浦, 美明; 照井, 勝己 | 中川研究林におけるミズナラ林育成の現状と展望 | Current state and view of Mizunara-oak (Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata) forestation in Nakagawa Experimental Forest | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 30-Nov-2007 |
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5