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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)大久保, 賢二; 寺田, 芳弘; 毛利, 哲雄; 鈴木, 朝夫レーザーフラッシュ法による熱伝導率データの信頼性におよぼす試験片の状態の影響Effects of Sample Conditions on the Reliability of Thermal Conductivity Data taken by the Laser-flash Method北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University31-Oct-1995
article三島, 良直; 三浦, 誠司; 鈴木, 朝夫高剛性・超低密度炭素繊維/アルミニウム合金複合材料の製造研究Fabrication of Ultra-Low Density, High Stiffness Carbon Fiber/Aluminum Alloy Composite on the Space Shuttle, SL-J日本航空宇宙学会誌Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences5-Oct-1994
article三浦, 誠司; 小池, 基行; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫10 at%Tiの添加によって単結晶化したNi3Siの変形挙動Deformation Behavior in Ni3Si Single-Crystalized by Addition of 10 at%Ti日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-Nov-1992
article三浦, 誠司; 小池, 基行; 王, 昆; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫76 at%Niを含むNi3Ge単結晶の変形挙動Deformation Behaviour in Ni3Ge Single Crystals Containing 76 at%Ni日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-Oct-1992
article三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫両サイト置換型元素Crを含むNi3Al単結晶の変形挙動Deformation Behaviour in Ni3Al Single Crystals Containing Cr Being Substituted for Both Al- and Ni-Sites日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-Oct-1992
article三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫IVB亜族元素Siを添加したNi3Al単結晶の変形挙動Deformation Behaviour in Ni3Al Single Crystals Containing IVB-Subgroup Element Si日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-Oct-1992
article三浦, 誠司; 栗山, 春宣; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫擬2成分系金属間化合物Co3Ti·Ni3Al単結晶の塑性変形挙動Plastic Deformation Behavior in Pseudo-Binary Compound Ni3Al·Co3Ti Single Crystals日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-Aug-1992
article落合, 鍾一; 三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫Ni3(Al, Ti) 単結晶における高温降伏現象High Temperature Yielding of Ni3(Al, Ti) Single Crystals日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-Jul-1987
article三浦, 誠司; 落合, 鍾一; 大矢, 義博; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫Ni3(Al, Ti) 単結晶の流動応力におよぼす歪速度の影響The Effect of Strain Rate on the Flow Stress of Ni3(Al, Ti) Single Crystals日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-May-1987
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9


Hokkaido University