Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | 柏谷, 悦章; 佐藤, 章; 石井, 邦宜 | 55%Al-Zn合金めっき鋼板上の欠陥の種類と生成機構 | Kinds of Defect and Mechanism of Formation on the Hot-Dip Galvanized Coating | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | Apr-2007 |
article | 何, 国偉; 石井, 邦宜; 佐々木, 康; 柏谷, 悦章; 松浦, 清隆 | Ar熱プラズマ溶解した金属ボタンからの蒸気発生と浴内対流 | Relationship between Region of Preferential Vaporization and Bath Convection in Ar Arc Plasma Melting | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Jan-1998 |
article | 何, 国偉; 石井, 邦宜; 佐々木, 康; 柏谷, 悦章 | Ar熱プラズマ溶解における金属蒸気圧分布 | Spatial Distribution of Metallic Vapor in Ar Thermal Plasma on Melting of Fe and Fe-Mn Alloy | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Dec-1997 |
article | Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Kusada, Yasuaki; Suzuki, Ryosuke O. | Atmosphere Controlled Hot Thermocouple Method and Crystallization Phenomenon of CaO–Al2O3 Eutectic Slag | - | ISIJ International | - | 2011 |
article | Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Nakamitsu, Tsuyoshi; Kinoshita, Hiroshi; Miura, Seiji | Binding Energy of Carbon Implanted into Hematite and in situ Observation of Reaction Behavior during Heating Up Experiment | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Aug-2011 |
bulletin (article) | 野呂, 治人; 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜 | CaO貫入法によるCaO-Fe2O3系融液の生成速度 | The Rate of Formation of Calcium-ferrite Melt Measured by means of Penetration Method using CaO Cone | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 30-Sep-1988 |
article | Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, Kuniyoshi; Suzuki, Ryosuke | Effect of Oxides and Carbonate on the Reaction of Hematite and Graphite Mixture Obtained by the Mechanical Milling | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Aug-2011 |
article | Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Kusada, Yasuaki; Suzuki, Ryosuke O. | Effect of Sulfur on the TTT Diagram of CaO–Al2O3 Slag at Eutectic Composition | - | ISIJ International | - | 2011 |
bulletin (article) | Vahdati khaki, Jalil; Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, Kuniyoshi | Effects of Porosity and Slag Former Amount on Rate of Heating-up Reduction of Self-fluxed Pellet | - | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 29-Jan-1993 |
article | 汪, 志全; 佐々木, 康; 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜 | EPMA走査面分析による焼結鉱中のカルシウムフェライト相の組成解析 | Composition Analysis of Calcium Ferrite in Iron Ore Sinters by EPMA Scanning Method | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Jun-2000 |
article | 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜 | H2Oによるコークスガス化反応における反応の種類 | The Kinds of Reactions in Coke Gasification by H2O | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Dec-1993 |
article | 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜 | H2Oによるコークスガス化反応の反応機構と速度解析 | Reaction Mechanism and Kinetic Analysis of Coke Gasification by H2O | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Dec-1993 |
article | Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Akiyama, Tomohiro | Nanocrack Formation in Hematite through the Dehydration of Goethite and the Carbon Infiltration from Biotar | - | Journal of Nanomaterials | - | 2010 |
bulletin (article) | Ishii, Kuniyoshi; Akiyama, Tomohiro; Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Kondo, Shin-ichi | The Rates of Reduction of Iron Ore and Water-Gas Shift Reaction | - | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 北海道大学工学部紀要 | Dec-1986 |
article | 石井, 邦宜; 柏谷, 悦章; 山口, 英良; 近藤, 眞一 | オンライン数式シミュレーションを併用した高炉装入物の模擬試験法 | Simulation of Burdens in Blast Furnace Using On-line Mathematical Simulator | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Dec-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 石井, 邦宜; 柏谷, 悦章; 秋山, 友宏; 近藤, 真一 | ガス分析による鉄鉱石還元 : コークスガス化同時反応の測定 | Measurement of the Simultaneous Reaction of Iron Ore and Coke Gasification by Using a Gas Analysis | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 31-Jul-1986 |
article | 柏谷, 悦章; 高丸, 広毅; 石井, 邦宜 | コークスの開気孔・閉気孔の割合とミクロ気孔の存在場所 | Location of Micro-pore and the Ratio of Open/Closed Pore in the Cokes | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Aug-2003 |
bulletin (article) | 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜 | コークスガス化反応における水性ガス反応の種類 | Water Gas Reaction in Coke Gasification by H2O | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 29-Jan-1993 |
article | 柏谷, 悦章; 中谷, 庄一; 石井, 邦宜 | コークスガス化反応に対する鉄添加の影響 | Effect of Fe Addition on Coke Gasification | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Jun-1991 |
article | 高丸, 広毅; 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜 | コークスガス化反応のその場観察と灰分の挙動 | In Situ Observation of Coke Gasification and Behavior of Ash | 鉄と鋼 | - | 1-Jul-2004 |