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articleMasuda, Kiyoshi; Hikida, Riku; Fujino, KaienThe plant nuclear lamina proteins NMCP1 and NMCP2 form a filamentous network with lateral filament associations-Journal of Experimental Botany-30-Sep-2021
articleKimura, Yuta; Fujino, Kaien; Ogawa, Kana; Masuda, KiyoshiLocalization of Daucus carota NMCP1 to the nuclear periphery: the role of the N-terminal region and an NLS-linked sequence motif, RYNLRR, in the tail domain-Frontiers in plant science-26-Feb-2014
article (author version)Yamagishi, Masumi; Shimoyamada, Yoshihiro; Nakatsuka, Takashi; Masuda, KiyoshiTwo R2R3-MYB Genes, Homologs of Petunia AN2, Regulate Anthocyanin Biosyntheses in Flower Tepals, Tepal Spots and Leaves of Asiatic Hybrid Lily-Plant and Cell Physiology-Mar-2010
bulletin (article)劉, 永立; 原田, 隆; 鈴木, 卓; 増田, 清; 大澤, 勝次in-vitro培養によるユキザサ(Smilacina japonica A. Gray)茎組織からの器官形成と植物体再生in-vitro Organ Formation and Plant Regeneration from Stem Segments of Smilacina japonica A. Gray北海道大学農学部農場研究報告Research bulletin of the University Farm Hokkaido University29-Mar-2001
bulletin (article)白井, 菊子; 増田, 清; 田村, 春人; 後藤, 真咲冷湿処理、ジベレリン酸(GA3)処理および胚のin vitro培養によるハマボウフウ(Glehnia littoralis Fr. Schmidt)種子の発芽促進Germination Promoted by Cold Stratification, the Application of Gibberellic Acid(GA3)and an in vitro Culture of Embryos in Glehnia littoralis Fr. Schmidt Seeds北海道大学農学部農場研究報告Research bulletin of the University Farm Hokkaido University29-Mar-1999
bulletin (article)石川, 知紀; 増田, 清; 原田, 隆; 田村, 春人; 金澤, 俊成組織培養によるギョウジャニンニク(Allium victorialis L. ssp. Platyphyllum Hult. ) の大量増殖Micropropagation of Allium victorialis L. ssp. Platyphyllum Hult北海道大学農学部農場研究報告Research bulletin of the University Farm Hokkaido University25-Mar-1997
bulletin (article)MASUDA, Kiyoshi; KIKUTA, Yoshio; FUJINO, Kaien; OKAZAWA, YozuPREFERENTIAL SYNTHESIS OF MITOCHONDRIAL DNA DURING THE INITIAL STAGE OF TISSUE GROWTH IN POTATO EXPLANT CULTURES-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Mar-1994
bulletin (article)黄, 斗溱; 佐野, 典達; 飯田, 浩二; 向井, 徹; 増田, 紀義; 佐々木, 成二エコー積分とトロールデータから算出した東シナ海における底棲魚族のターゲットストレングスについてTarget Strength of Demersal Fish Calculated from Echo Integration and Bottom Trawl in the East China Sea北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYNov-1993
bulletin (article)Amaoka, Kunio; Anma, Gen; Nakaya, Kazuhiro; Yabe, Mamoru; Masuda, Kiyoshi; Sasaki, SeijiLarval and Juvenile Fishes Collected from the Northern Pacific Ocean by T/S OSHORO-MARU:Part 1: Salmoniformes, Clupeiformes, Myctophiformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Lophiiformes and Lampriformes練習船おしょろ丸によって採集された北太平洋の稚仔魚類:Part 1: サケ目,ニシン目,ハダカイワシ目,メダカ目,アンコウ目およびアカマンボウ目北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYFeb-1992
bulletin (article)安間, 元; 増田, 紀義; 小林, 源司; 山口, 秀一; 目黒, 敏美; 佐々木, 成二; 大谷, 清隆夏季北太平洋180度線移行領域周辺の海洋構造とその変動Oceanographic Structures and Changes around the Transition Domain along 180° Longitude, during June 1979-1988北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYMay-1990
bulletin (article)中村, 哲也; 橋本, 昭彦; 増田, 紀義; 新井, 健一練習船おしょろ丸が各海域で漁獲した魚肉の保管に伴う鮮度低下と品質変化Changes in Freshness and Quality of Fish Muscle during Preservation after Catching on Different Waters by Oshoro-Maru北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYNov-1987
bulletin (article)PEARCY, William G.; MASUDA, KiyoshiTagged Steelhead Trout (Salmo gairdneri RICHARDSON) Collected in the North Pacific by the Oshoro-Maru, 1982-19851982年-1985年,北太平洋でおしょろ丸によって採集されたスティール・ヘッドの標識魚について北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYAug-1987
bulletin (article)Matsunaga, Katsuhiko; Toya, Kenji; Masuda, Kiyoshi; Kobayashi, Genji; Anma, Gen; Meguro, ToshimiTransport of Nutrients from Deeper Waters in the North Pacific Subarctic Sea北太平洋亜寒帯海域における深層からの栄養塩の輸送北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYAug-1986
bulletin (article)小林, 源司; 増田, 紀義; 安間, 元; 目黒, 敏美; 山口, 秀一; 高木, 省吾北東太平洋西経155度線上におけるイカ類3種の南北分布Distribution and Abundance of Three Species of Squids along 155°W Longitude北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYAug-1986
bulletin (article)KIKUTA, Yoshio; FUJINO, Kaien; SAITO, Wataru; MASUDA, Kiyoshi; OKAZAWA, YozoPROTOPLAST CULTURE OF POTATO : AN IMPROVED PROCEDURE FOR ISOLATING VIABLE PROTOPLASTS-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Mar-1986
bulletin (article)PEARCY, William G.; MASUDA, KiyoshiTagged Steelhead Trout (Salmo gairdneri RICHARDSON) Collected in the North Pacific by the Oshoro-Maru, 1980-1981おしょろ丸による北太平洋における標識スチールヘッドの再捕について(1980,1981)北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYNov-1982
bulletin (article)MASUDA, Kiyoshi; KIKUTA, Yoshio; OKAZAWA, YozoA Revision of the Medium for Somatic Embryogenesis in Carrot Suspension Culture-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Sep-1981
bulletin (article)KIKUTA, Yoshio; MASUDA, Kiyoshi; OKAZAWA, YozoEmbryogenesis and Glucose Metabolism in Carrot Cell Suspension Cultured in Vitro-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Sep-1981
bulletin (article)MASUDA, Kiyoshi; KIKUTA, Yoshio; OKAZAWA, YozoIsolation and Some Properties of Deoxyribonucleic Acid from Cultured Cells and Root of Carrot-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Sep-1981
bulletin (article)藤井, 武治; 増田, 紀義; 西山, 恒夫; 小林, 源司; 安間, 元東部ベーリング海における海況とベニサケ(O. nerka)分布との関係:特に,1973年ブリストル湾系ベニサケの回帰異変に関する一考察A Consideration on the Relation Between Oceanographic Conditions and Distribution of Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum) in the Eastern Bering Sea, with Special Reference to its Poor Return in 1973北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYDec-1974
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