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article紺谷, 博人; 徳永, 透子; 大野, 宗一; 佐々木, 克彦; 松浦, 清隆熱間押出法を用いた炭素繊維一方向配向Cu基複合材料の作製と熱伝導特性評価Fabrication of Unidirectionally Orientated Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cu-Based Composites by Hot Extrusion and Evaluation of Their Thermal Properties日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials1-May-2018
article大野, 宗一; 木村, 大地; 松浦, 清隆機械学習によるFe基合金のミクロ偏析生成挙動の予測Prediction of Microsegregation Behavior in Fe-based Alloys Based on Machine Learning鉄と鋼-1-Dec-2017
article岡, ゆきみ; 大野, 宗一; 松浦, 清隆データ同化に基づく鋳造プロセスにおける伝熱解析のパラメータ推定Parameter Estimation in Heat Conduction Problem of Casting Processes Based on Data Assimilation鉄と鋼-1-Dec-2017
article大野, 宗一; 木村, 大地; 松浦, 清隆機械学習によるミクロ偏析予測とマクロ偏析シミュレーションへの拡張Prediction of Microsegregation Based on Machine Learning and Its Extension to a Macrosegregation Simulation鉄と鋼-1-Dec-2017
article徳永, 透子; 外本, 和嗣; 大野, 宗一; 松浦, 清隆熱間押出法によるマグネシウム合金の超ジュラルミン被覆と表面特性の評価Coating on Magnesium Alloy with Super Duralumin by Hot Extrusion and Evaluation of Its Surface Properties日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals1-Aug-2017
article (author version)Ohno, Munekazu; Maruyama, Masato; Matsuura, KiyotakaExperimental Verification of a Critical Condition for the Formation of As-Cast Coarse Columnar Austenite Grain Structure in a Hyperperitectic Carbon Steel-Metallurgical and materials transactions A-physical metallurgy and materials science-Nov-2015
article越山, 将行; 酒向, はづき; 大野, 宗一; 松浦, 清隆燃焼合成された α- および β-SiAlON の SPS 焼結温度と機械的性質の関係Relationships between Spark Plasma Sintering Temperature and Mechanical Properties of Combustion-Synthesized α- and β-SiAlON日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsApr-2015
article富田, 花帆; 徳永, 透子; 大野, 宗一; 松浦, 清隆多穴ダイスを組み合わせた異形ダイスによる熱間押出材の結晶粒微細化と高延性化Grain Refinement and Ductility Improvement by Hot Extrusion Using a Heteromorphic Die with Small Holes日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsApr-2015
article (author version)Sato, Daisuke; Ohno, Munekazu; Matsuura, KiyotakaPhase-Field Simulations and Analysis of Effect of Dispersed Particles on Migration of Delta to Gamma Transformation Interface-Metallurgical and materials transactions A: physical metallurgy and materials science-1-Feb-2015
articleOhno, Munekazu; Ohyama, Shinpei; Matsuura, KiyotakaTheoretical and numerical investigations on grain boundary migration due to inverse pinning-Computational materials science-Nov-2013
article林, 知宏; 松浦, 清隆; 大野, 宗一放電プラズマ焼結法による炭化反応を利用したチタンのTiC被覆TiC coating on titanium by carbonization reaction using spark plasma sintering軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Jun-2012
article徳永, 透子; 松浦, 清隆; 大野, 宗一熱間押出法によるマグネシウム合金のアルミニウム被覆とその材質調査Aluminum Coating on Magnesium-Based Alloy by Hot Extrusion and Its Characteristics日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsNov-2011
article (author version)Ohno, Munekazu; Tsuchiya, Shingo; Matsuura, KiyotakaFormation conditions of coarse columnar austenite grain structure in peritectic carbon steels by the discontinuous grain growth mechanism-Acta Materialia-Aug-2011
article (author version)Ohno, Munekazu; Matsuura, KiyotakaDiffusion-controlled peritectic reaction process in carbon steel analyzed by quantitative phase-field simulation-Acta Materialia-Oct-2010
article (author version)Ohno, Munekazu; Matsuura, KiyotakaQuantitative phase-field modeling for two-phase solidification process involving diffusion in the solid-Acta Materialia-Oct-2010
article外山, 和宏; 松浦, 清隆; 大野, 宗一; 佐藤, 大樹; 中山, 昌紀熱間圧延によるAl–Si鋳造材のミクロ組織および機械的性質の変化Changes in microstructure and mechanical properties of cast Al–Si alloy due to hot rolling軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Jan-2010
article土屋, 真悟; 大野, 宗一; 松浦, 清隆; 磯部, 浩一過包晶鋼の鋳造γ組織に及ぼすTi添加の影響Effects of Ti Addition on As-cast γ Grain Structure in Hyper-peritectic Carbon Steel鉄と鋼-1-Sep-2009
article小嶋, 桂介; 松浦, 清隆; 大笹, 憲一; 大野, 宗一TiC基超硬合金の燃焼合成と予熱処理による気孔率の変化Combustion synthesis of TiC-based cemented carbide alloy and effect of preheating treatment on porosity軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Jan-2009
article水田, 直気; 松浦, 清隆; 大野, 宗一; 宮本, 欽生; 桐原, 聡秀アルミニウムめっきとアーク表面溶融法を用いたチタン表面へのアルミナイド被覆Titanium aluminide coating on titanium surface using aluminum plating and surface melting軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Dec-2008
article佐々木, 優嘉; 松浦, 清隆; 大笹, 憲一; 大野, 宗一チタンの添加による炭素鋼の鋳造オーステナイト結晶粒の微細化Refinement of As-cast Austenite Grain in Carbon Steel by Addition of Titanium鉄と鋼-25-Nov-2008
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Hokkaido University