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bulletin (article)岡田, 広10.弾性波による八戸市の基盤探査10.A Seismic Refraction Survey in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University30-Sep-1971
bulletin (article)田治米, 鏡二; 堀田, 宏; 岡田, 広10.弾性波探査による真駒内団地の水源調査10.Seismic Prospecting for Underground Water at Makomanai in Sapporo北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University25-Mar-1963
bulletin (article)田治米, 鏡二; 岡田, 広11.双川ダム予定地で行った弾性波探査11.Seismic Prospecting at the Projected Place for the Dam at Futagawa in Hokkaido北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University25-Feb-1965
bulletin (article)田治米, 鏡二; 岡田, 広; 浜田, 和郎1.八郎潟北部の採石予定地で行なった弾性波探査1.Seismic Prospecting for Quarrying at Northern Part of Hachiro-gata, Akita Prefecture北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University25-Aug-1964
bulletin (article)田治米, 鏡二; 岡田, 広; 浜田, 和郎; 窪田, 将2.静内ダム及び下静内ダム予定地での弾性波探査2.Seismic Prospecting at the Projected Places for the Dum at Shizunai and Shimo-shizunai in Hokkaido北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University23-Mar-1961
bulletin (article)田治米, 鏡二; 東山, 俊博; 岡田, 広5.1958年の夏に下川鉱山で行った地震探鉱の解析結果5.Results of Analyses due to Seismic Prospecting at Shimokawa Mine in Summer 1958.北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University17-Dec-1958
bulletin (article)岡田, 広; 田治米, 鏡二; 武内, 俊昭; 東山, 俊博6.惠岱別ダムの模型に対する動的試験の際に観測した地動の加速度6.Ground Accelerations Observed in Experimental Dynamic Tests Conducted on Models of the Future Etaibetsu dam北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University7-Mar-1960
bulletin (article)横山, 泉; 岡田, 弘志8.LaCoste&Romberg重力計による三宅島における重力測定8.A Gravity Survey on Miyake Island by Means of a LaCoste&Romberg Gravity Meter北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University25-Aug-1964
bulletin (article)清野, 政明; 岡田, 広8.石本式地震計による弟子屈強震の余震觀測8.Observation of Aftershocks Accompanied with Teshikaga-earthquake, by Means of a Seismograph of ISHIMOTO-type.北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University7-Mar-1960
bulletin (article)田治米, 鏡二; 岡田, 広; 小柳, 敏郎8.弾性波による釧路市の地盤調査8.Ground Surveys at Kushiro City by Elastic Waves北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University14-Mar-1966
bulletin (article)OKADA, HiroshiAnalyses of Seismic Waves Generated by Small Explosions : Experiment at Ima-machi, Niigata Prefecture-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-20-Mar-1965
bulletin (article)OKADA, HiroshiAnalyses of Seismic Waves Generated by Small Explosions : Experiment at Wakino-machi, Niigata Prefecture(Continued)-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-2-Mar-1964
bulletin (article)OKADA, HiroshiAnalyses of Seismic Waves Generated by Small Explosions : Experment at Wakino-machi, Niigata Prefecture-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-25-Mar-1963
article (author version)Sato, Taketomo; Kasai, Seiya; Okada, Hiroshi; Hasegawa, HidekiElectrical Properties of Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts on n-GaAs and n-InP Formed by in Situ Electrochemical Process-Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers, short notes & review papers-Jul-2000
bulletin (article)Ozel, Oguz; SASATANI, Tsutomu; KUDO, Kazuyoshi; OKADA, Hiroshi; KANNO, Tatsuo; TSUNO, Seiji; YOSHIKAWA, Masataka; NOGUCHI, Shinako; MIYAHARA, Masakazu; GOTO, HiroyukiEstimation of S-Wave velocity structures in Avcilar-Istanbul from array microtremor measurements-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-22-Mar-2004
article (author version)Sato, Taketomo; Kaneshiro, Chinami; Okada, Hiroshi; Hasegawa, HidekiFormation of Size- and Position-Controlled Nanometer Size Pt Dots on GaAs and InP Substrates by Pulsed Electrochemical Deposition-Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers, short notes & review papers-Apr-1999
bulletin (article)OKADA, Hiroshi; TAZIME, KyoziLove-waves in Stratified Three Layers(Continued)-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-5-Nov-1959
bulletin (article)TAZIME, Kyozi; OKADA, HiroshiLove-weves in Stratified Three Layers-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-5-Nov-1958
articleYoshida, Soh; Okada, Hiroshi; Ogawa, Takahiro; Haseyama, MikiA Method for Improving SVM-based Image Classification Performance Based on a Target Object Detection Scheme-ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications-1-Jul-2013
articleKobayashi, Tatsuo; Nomura, Takaaki; Okada, HiroshiPredictive neutrino mass textures with origin of flavor symmetries-Physical Review D-19-Sep-2018
Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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Hokkaido University