Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | proceedings (author version) | Zen, Keiki; Suzuki, Masahiro; Sato, Haruhiko; Oyama, Satoshi; Kurihara, Masahito | Monophonic sound source separation by non-negative sparse autoencoders | - | - | - | 2014 |
article (author version) | Shimada, Kohei; Ohno, Yuta; Okamatsu-Ogura, Yuko; Suzuki, Masahiro; Kamikawa, Akihiro; Terao, Akira; Kimura, Kazuhiro | Neuropeptide Y activates phosphorylation of ERK and STAT3 in stromal vascular cells from brown adipose tissue, but fails to affect thermogenic function of brown adipocytes | - | Peptides | - | Apr-2012 |
bulletin (article) | Suzuki, Masahiro; Itoh, Kiyohiko; Matsumoto, Tadashi | The Second Kind of Mixed System of Electric and Magnetic Currents : An Electric Current Antenna Fed by a Magnetic Current Transmission Line | - | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 30-Mar-1970 |
proceedings (author version) | Suzuki, Masahiro; Sato, Haruhiko; Oyama, Satoshi; Kurihara, Masahito | Transfer learning based on the observation probability of each attribute | - | - | - | 2014 |
bulletin (article) | 鈴木, 勝裕; 名取, 浩三; 高橋, 剛; 松本, 正 | ファン型三角形空中線の周波数特性 | Frequency Characteristics of Fan-Style Triangular Antennas | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 2-Sep-1965 |
article | 鈴木, 雅大; 佐藤, 晴彦; 小山, 聡; 栗原, 正仁; 松尾, 豊 | 属性ごとの観測確率を考慮したゼロショット学習 | Zero-shot Learning Based on the Observation Probability of Attributes | 情報処理学会論文誌 | - | May-2016 |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6