Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Fujiwara, M.; Tanaka, A.; Takahashi, S.; Yoshino, K.; Nambu, Y.; Tajima, A.; Miki, S.; Yamashita, T.; Wang, Z.; Tomita, A.; Sasaki, M. | Afterpulse-like phenomenon of superconducting single photon detector in high speed quantum key distribution system | - | Optics Express | - | 26-Sep-2011 |
article | Takahashi, S.; Kameda, T.; Enomoto, H.; Shiraiwa, Takayuki; Kodama, Y.; Fujita, S.; Motoyama, H.; Watanabe, O.; Weidner, G.A.; Stearns, C.R. | Automatic weather station program during Dome Fuji Project by JARE in east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica | - | Annals of Glaciology | - | Jul-1998 |
article | Ageta, Y.; Azuma, Y.; Fujii, Y.; Fujino, K.; Fujita, S.; Furukawa, T.; Hondoh, T.; Kameda, T.; Kamiyama, K.; Katagiri, K.; Kawada, K.; Kawamura, T.; Kobayashi, S.; Mae, S.; Maeno, H.; Miyahara, T.; Motoyama, H.; Nakayama, Y.; Naruse, R.; Nishio, F.; Saitoh, K.; Saitoh, T; Shimbori, K.; Shiraiwa, Takayuki; Shoji, H.; Takahashi, A.; Takahashi, S.; Tanaka, Y.; Yokoyama, K.; Watanabe, O. | Deep ice-core drilling at Dome Fuji and glaciological studies in east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica | - | Annals of Glaciology | - | Jul-1998 |
article | Tanaka, J.; Morishima, Y.; Takahashi, Y.; Yabe, T.; Oba, K.; Takahashi, S.; Taniguchi, S.; Ogawa, H.; Onishi, Y.; Miyamura, K.; Kanamori, H.; Aotsuka, N.; Kato, K.; Kato, S.; Atsuta, Y.; Kanda, Y. | Effects of KIR ligand incompatibility on clinical outcomes of umbilical cord blood transplantation without ATG for acute leukemia in complete remission | - | Blood cancer journal | - | Nov-2013 |
article | Nambu, Y.; Takahashi, S.; Yoshino, K.; Tanaka, A.; Fujiwara, M.; Sasaki, M.; Tajima, A.; Yorozu, S.; Tomita, A. | Efficient and low-noise single-photon avalanche photodiode for 1.244-GHz clocked quantum key distribution | - | Optics Express | - | 10-Oct-2011 |
proceedings | NGUYEN, X. T.; NOGAMI, K.; TAKAHASHI, S.; KURIHARA, M.; YODA, T.; KASANO, H.; MURAKOSHI, J.; TOYAMA, N.; SAWADA, M. | EVALUATION FOR CORROSION STATE OF LOWER GUSSET PLATE CONNECTIONS ON STEEL TRUSS BRIDGE | - | Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13) | - | 13-Sep-2013 |
article | Sasaki, M.; Fujiwara, M.; Ishizuka, H.; Klaus, W.; Wakui, K.; Takeoka, M.; Miki, S.; Yamashita, T.; Wang, Z.; Tanaka, A.; Yoshino, K.; Nambu, Y.; Takahashi, S.; Tajima, A.; Tomita, A.; Domeki, T.; Hasegawa, T.; Sakai, Y.; Kobayashi, H.; Asai, T.; Shimizu, K.; Tokura, T.; Tsurumaru, T.; Matsui, M.; Honjo, T.; Tamaki, K.; Takesue, H.; Tokura, Y.; Dynes, J. F.; Dixon, A. R.; Sharpe, A. W.; Yuan, Z. L.; Shields, A. J.; Uchikoga, S.; Legré, M.; Robyr, S.; Trinkler, P.; Monat, L.; Page, J.-B.; Ribordy, G.; Poppe, A.; Allacher, A.; Maurhart, O.; Länger, T.; Peev, M.; Zeilinger, A. | Field test of quantum key distribution in the Tokyo QKD Network | - | Optics Express | - | 23-May-2011 |
proceedings | ISHIKAWA, H.; TAKAHASHI, S.; NAKAI, T.; MORIYOSHI, A. | Innovations in Porous Asphalt Quality Control for Cold Regions on the Ayabe-Miyazu Road in Japan | - | - | - | 1999 |
bulletin (article) | 高橋, 義夫; 山下, テイ子(リッシンベンに貞); 月居, 典夫; 高橋, 昭一郎 | 結核菌の電子線不透過小体(A body)の生物学的意義に関する研究 | Biological Significance of the Electron Non-transparent Body of the Tubercle Bacillus | 結核の研究 | TUBERCULOSIS RESEARCH | Mar-1958 |
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9