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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Kimoto, Mai; Tsubota, Takuya; Uchino, Keiro; Sezutsu, Hideki; Takiya, ShigeharuHox transcription factor Antp regulates sericin-1 gene expression in the terminal differentiated silk gland of Bombyx mori-Developmental biology-1-Feb-2014
article (author version)Ishikawa, Asano; Ogawa, Kota; Gotoh, Hiroki; Walsh, Thomas K.; Tagu, Denis; Brisson, Jennifer A.; Rispe, Claude; Jaubert-Possamai, Stéphanie; Kanbe, Takashi; Tsubota, Takuya; Shiotsuki, Takahiro; Miura, ToruJuvenile hormone titre and related gene expression during the change of reproductive modes in the pea aphid-Insect Molecular Biology-Feb-2012
article (author version)Kimoto, Mai; Tsubota, Takuya; Uchino, Keiro; Sezutsu, Hideki; Takiya, ShigeharuLIM-homeodomain transcription factor Awh is a key component activating all three fibroin genes, fibH, fibL and fhx, in the silk gland of the silkworm, Bombyx mori-Insect biochemistry and molecular biology-Jan-2015
article (author version)Ohno, Kaoru; Sawada, Jun-ichi; Takiya, Shigeharu; Kimoto, Mai; Matsumoto, Akiko; Tsubota, Takuya; Uchino, Keiro; Hui, Chi-chung; Sezutsu, Hideki; Handa, Hiroshi; Suzuki, YoshiakiSilk Gland Factor-2, Involved in Fibroin Gene Transcription, Consists of LIM Homeodomain, LIM-interacting, and Single-stranded DNA-binding Proteins-Journal of biological chemistry-1-Nov-2013
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


Hokkaido University