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Title: 接続詞「だけど」の使用に見られる推論枠組みの利用とその発達
Authors: 仲, 真紀子1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): NAKA, Makiko1
Issue Date: 30-Sep-1988
Publisher: 日本教育心理学会
Journal Title: 教育心理学研究
Volume: 36
Issue: 3
Start Page: 220
End Page: 228
Abstract: Dakedo is a conjunction which is used to connect the premise and its implication. The purpose of this study is to investigate the kind of implications derived from a premise through the conjunction "dakedo", and the developmental change in its use. Students in 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th grades, and university undergraduates participated in the study. In the first investigation, they were asked to fill the blanks after the premise + "dakedo". In the second, they were asked to rate the use of "dakedo" if it was used properly in a sentence. The results showed that implications were made from the premise by logical conversion, pragmatic inference, analogical inference, and referring to the premise. Also, the results showed that the use of "dakedo" developed differently, that is, the use of "dakedo" with pragmatic inference and reference was acquired through elementary school, but the use of "dakedo" with logical conversion and analogical inference took more time to be acquired until the university level.
Rights: 日本教育心理学会
Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 仲 真紀子

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