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統合的アプローチによる中級指導への評価 : アンケート分析の結果から

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Title: 統合的アプローチによる中級指導への評価 : アンケート分析の結果から
Other Titles: Evaluation of an Integrated Approach to Intermediate Level Learners : Analyses of Questionnaires
Authors: 仲, 真紀子1 Browse this author
五味, 政信2 Browse this author
小宮, 千鶴子3 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Naka, M.1
Gomi, M.2
Komiya, C.3
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: 東京外国語大学外国語学部附属日本語学校
Journal Title: 日本語学校論集
Volume: 18
Start Page: 137
End Page: 159
Abstract: Present article reports the integrated approach planned and practiced by eight teachers for forty-nine intermediate level students at Japanese Language School attached to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Oct. to Nov., 1989. The course consisted of fifteen 45-minute sessions which were designed to integrate students' four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and hearing), with synthesized materials on current environmental problems such as recycling waste paper. Psychological and motivational aspects of the approach was evaluated by qustionnaires conducted to both teachers and students at the end of the course. The statistical analyses included the evaluation of the goals of the approach, the contents of materials, the teaching methods, students' reaction and teachers' evaluation. Based on the results, the significance and constraints of the approach were discussed in the context of current demands for the second language learning.
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Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 仲 真紀子

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