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A Chamberlinian Agglomeration Model with External Economies of Scale

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Title: A Chamberlinian Agglomeration Model with External Economies of Scale
Authors: Kurata, Hiroshi1 Browse this author
Nomura, Ryoichi2 Browse this author
Suga, Nobuhito3 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): 倉田, 洋1
野村, 良一2
須賀, 宣仁3
Keywords: New economic geography
Footloose capital
External economies of scale
Issue Date: Aug-2011
Publisher: Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University
Journal Title: Discussion Paper, Series A
Volume: 242
Start Page: 1
End Page: 25
Abstract: We investigate the effects of a reduction in trade costs on industrial location and welfare in an economy with external economies of scale. We propose a Chamberlinian agglomeration model with footloose capital, which is analytically-solvable. With respect to industrial location, we demonstrate that a reduction in trade cost is likely to lead to agglomeration. With respect to welfare, we show that agglomeration makes a country with agglomeration better off, and the country without agglomeration better or worse off, depending on the degree of external economies of scale. We also prove that agglomeration makes the overall economy better off.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:Discussion paper > Series A

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