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Changes in Japanese-style Management considering Gender Perspective

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Title: Changes in Japanese-style Management considering Gender Perspective
Authors: Komagawa, Tomoko1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): 駒川, 智子1
Issue Date: 22-Jul-2015
Citation: 第4回ビジネス&社会科学国際シンポジウム = The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences. 2015年7月20日(月)~22日(水). Renaissance Sapporo Hotel(ルネッサンスサッポロホテル). 札幌市.
Conference Name: International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences
Conference Sequence: 4
Conference Place: Sapporo
Type: conference presentation
Appears in Collections:教育学院・教育学研究院 (Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 駒川 智子

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