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Graduate School of International Media, Communication and Tourism Studies / Research Faculty of Media and Communication >
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies >
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Title: オランダにおける新聞成立と普及、その特性について
Other Titles: On the emergence and historical development of newspapers in the Netherlands
Authors: 江口, 豊1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Eguchi, Yutaka1
Issue Date: 25-Mar-2016
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院
Journal Title: メディア・コミュニケーション研究
Journal Title(alt): Media and Communication Studies
Volume: 69
Start Page: 117
End Page: 128
Abstract: The first newspapers in the Netherlands were published already in 1618 in Amsterdam, 13 years later than the first by Johann Carolus,followed others in Arnhem and Delft. The question as to how the newspapers were spread in other territories as the German speaking area has many aspects to consider. These aspects concern of course conditions like printing, supply and demand of news, political tolerance and so on. Searching for the causes of why the newspaper spread quite early in the Netherlands is not possible without considerations about political and economic circumstances in the 16th and 17th century not only in Europe but also in the whole world. Based on Dahl (1946)and other researchers, this paper argues in particular that the global political and economic activities of the land caused and promoted an information flow i.e. the newspapers in the Netherlands as the articles in the first numbers of newspaper show. The problem outlined here is only a part of the complex phenomena about the spreading process of“the newspaper”in the Netherlands. It is further necessary to investigate such factors as the post,the readership as the consumers, and the censorship of journalism and so on also in the Netherlands.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies > 69

Submitter: 江口 豊

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