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Oscillation in Tissue Oxygen Index During Recovery From Exercise

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Title: Oscillation in Tissue Oxygen Index During Recovery From Exercise
Authors: YANO, T. Browse this author →KAKEN DB
AFROUNDEH, R. Browse this author
SHIRAKAWA, K. Browse this author
LIAN, C. S. Browse this author
SHIBATA, K. Browse this author
XIAO, Z. Browse this author
YUNOKI, T. Browse this author
Keywords: Tissue oxygen index
Recovery from exercise
Power spectra density
Blood pH
Issue Date: 8-Oct-2015
Publisher: Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Journal Title: Physiological Research
Volume: 65
Issue: 2
Start Page: 259
End Page: 269
Abstract: It was hypothesized that an oscillation of tissue oxygen index (TOI) determined by near-infrared spectroscopy during recovery from exercise occurs due to feedback control of adenosine triphosphate and that frequency of the oscillation is affected by blood pH. In order to examine these hypotheses, we aimed 1) to determine whether there is an oscillation of TOI during recovery from exercise and 2) to determine the effect of blood pH on frequency of the oscillation of TOI. Three exercises were performed with exercise intensities of 30 % and 70 % peak oxygen uptake (Vo2peak) for 12 min and with exercise intensity of 70 % Vo2peak for 30 s. TOI during recovery from the exercise was analyzed by fast Fourier transform in order to obtain power spectra density (PSD). There was a significant difference in the frequency at which maximal PSD of TOI appeared (Fmax) between the exercises with 70 % Vo2peak for 12 min (0.0039±0 Hz) and for 30 s (0.0061±0.0028 Hz). However, there was no significant difference in Fmax between the exercises with 30 % (0.0043±0.0013 Hz) and with 70 % Vo2peak for 12 min despite differences in blood pH and blood lactate from the warmed fingertips. It is concluded that there was an oscillation in TOI during recovery from the three exercises. It was not clearly shown that there was an effect of blood pH on Fmax.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:教育学院・教育学研究院 (Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 矢野 徳郎

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