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低温科学 = Low Temperature Science >
第78巻 >


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Title: 低温低圧環境下における触媒反応による有機分子の生成実験
Other Titles: Formation experiments of organic molecules by catalytic reactions in low-temperature and low-pressure environments
Authors: 木村, 勇気1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
佐藤, 理佳子2 Browse this author
𡈽山, 明3 Browse this author
為則, 雄祐4 Browse this author
羽馬, 哲也5 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
日髙, 宏6 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
渡部, 直樹7 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
香内, 晃8 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
永原, 裕子9 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Kimura, Yuki1
Sato, Rikako2
Tsuchiyama, Akira3
Tamenori, Yusuke4
Hama, Tetsuya5
Hidaka, Hiroshi6
Watanabe, Naoki7
Kouchi, Akira8
Nagahara, Hiroko9
Keywords: ダスト
Fischer-Tropsch type reaction
laboratory experiment
chemical evolution
Issue Date: 24-Mar-2020
Publisher: 低温科学第78巻編集委員会
Journal Title: 低温科学
Volume: 78
Start Page: 79
End Page: 90
Abstract: 現在の太陽系に見られる有機分子の多様性は,星間分子雲から原始太陽系星雲,小惑星,惑星へと 進化する中で段階的に豊かになっていったと考えられる.本研究では,この段階の中で最も実験的研 究の少ない原始太陽系星雲を想定した有機物生成に注目し,最も豊富に存在する水素や一酸化炭素か ら,どの程度効率的に複雑な分子が生成し得るのか,という化学進化の初期過程を調べる実験を行っ た.実際の環境を意識した低温(50-750 K),低圧(101-103 Pa)で,非晶質マグネシウムケイ酸塩や鉄 を基板として触媒反応実験を行った所,反応効率には温度依存性があり,事前の予想通り750 K で最 も効率よく反応が進んだ.一方,効率は低いながらも,50-200 K の低温でも触媒反応による分子進化 が進むことが分かった.
The diversity of organic molecules in our Solar System at present is a result of its chemical evolution in each stage from an interstellar molecular cloud to a solar nebula, asteroids, and planets. In this study, we investigated the formation efficiency of complex molecules from the abundant hydrogen and carbon monoxide molecules that are a part of the physical evolution of molecular clouds into the beginning of solar nebulae. We conducted a catalytic reaction experiment using realistic substrates, such as amorphous magnesium silicate and iron, at low temperatures (50-750 K) and low pressures (101 -103 Pa) in consideration of the actual environment. We found that the reaction efficiency depended on temperature and reached its highest point at 750 K, as expected. However, it was also found that the molecular evolution by catalytic reaction proceeded even at low temperatures in the range of 50-200 K.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:低温科学 = Low Temperature Science > 第78巻

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