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低温科学 = Low Temperature Science >
第81巻 >


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Title: 昆虫由来不凍タンパク質の氷結晶結合機能と細胞保護機能
Other Titles: The ice-binding and cell-protection function of insect-derived antifreeze protein
Authors: 山内, 彩加林1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
津田, 栄2 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Yamauchi, Akari1
Tsuda, Sakae2
Keywords: 低温適応
antifreeze protein
thermal hysteresis
Dorcus hopei binodulosus
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2023
Publisher: 低温科学第81巻編集委員会
Journal Title: 低温科学
Journal Title(alt): Low Temperature Science
Volume: 81
Start Page: 37
End Page: 49
Abstract: 一部の生物は氷点下にもなる低温環境に生息し,凍結や低体温のリスクに晒されるにも関わらず,生命活動を維持することができる.なぜこれらの生物は凍結障害や低温障害を受けずに生命活動を維持できるのだろうか?不凍タンパク質(Antifreeze protein:AFP)は寒冷な環境に生息する様々な魚類・昆虫・植物・微生物等で見出される低温適応タンパク質の1つである.AFPは氷に結合しその成長を抑制する機能(氷結晶結合機能)と,細胞膜に結合し低温障害から細胞を保護する機能(細胞保護機能)を有する.AFPの両機能は低温下におけるこれら生物の生命維持に重要な役割を果たすと考えられている.本稿では,昆虫由来AFPを中心に,AFPの氷結晶結合機能と細胞保護機能について紹介する.
Some organisms can be alive in cold environment even below 0℃, in spite of the risk of freezing and hypothermia. How are these organisms able to maintain their life without freezing injury and cold damage? Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are one of cryoprotective proteins found in various cold-adapted fish, insects, plants, and microorganisms living in cold environments. AFPs can bind to single ice crystal and inhibit its growth (ice-binding function). Moreover, AFPs can prolong the life-time of mammalian cells at low temperature through its binding to lipid bilayer (cell-protection function). Both functions of AFPs are thought to play important roles in sustaining the life of these organisms at low temperatures. In this paper, we introduce the ice-binding and cell-protection functions of insect-derived AFP.
Description: 第一章:変温動物
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:低温科学 = Low Temperature Science > 第81巻

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