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Institute of Low Temperature Science >
低温科学 = Low Temperature Science >

第81巻 : [22]

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bulletin (article)東城, 幸治; 竹中, 將起世界最寒冷地に生息するサル類 : 上高地のニホンザル群で進化した水生昆虫や魚類の捕食行動Monkeys in the worldʼs coldest region : Predatory behavior of aquatic insects and fish evolved in the Japanese macaque group in the Kamikochi region低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)宮﨑, 充功ツキノワグマにおける冬眠期の筋肉量維持機構の探索Regulation of Muscle Mass Maintenance During Hibernation in the Asiatic Black Bears低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)下鶴, 倫人クマの冬眠の生理・代謝機構 : 如何に太り,如何に痩せるかPhysiological and Metabolic Mechanisms of Hibernating Bears : How they gain and how they lose weight低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)坪田, 敏男クマ類の冬眠 : 繁殖との関係Hibernation in bears : Relations with reproduction低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)曽根, 正光; 山口, 良文冬眠哺乳類の細胞はいかにして低温ストレスに対処するか?How do cells of mammalian hibernators cope with cold stress?低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)渡邊, 正知; 田村, 豊シリアンハムスターの冬眠を制御する中枢神経機構Central thermoregulatory mechanisms of hibernation in Syrian hamsters低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)小野, 宏晃; 砂川, 玄志郎人工冬眠の実現にむけた休眠研究の取り組みTorpor research toward the synthetic hibernation低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)堀井, 有希; 椎名, 貴彦; 志水, 泰武実験室における哺乳動物の冬眠・休眠誘導Induction of hibernation and daily torpor of mammals in the laboratory低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)塚本, 大輔; 高松, 信彦シマリスの冬眠の分子生物学的研究Molecular biological studies on hibernation in chipmunks (Tamias asiaticus), a mammalian hibernator低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)齋藤, 茂脊椎動物における温度受容機構の進化的変化と環境適応のつながりThe association between the evolutionary changes of the thermosensory system and environmental adaptation in vertebrates低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)中山, 友哉; 吉村, 崇メダカに学ぶ脊椎動物の冬季適応戦略Winter adaptation strategies of vertebrates : lessons from medaka低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)津田, 栄; 新井, 達也不凍タンパク質の構造と機能Structure and Function of antifreeze protein低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)山内, 彩加林; 津田, 栄昆虫由来不凍タンパク質の氷結晶結合機能と細胞保護機能The ice-binding and cell-protection function of insect-derived antifreeze protein低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)村上, 光; 長尾, 耕治郎; 梅田, 眞郷膜脂質を介する低温適応の新規メカニズムの発見 : 細胞自律的な細胞内温度制御A novel membrane-mediated mechanism for cold adaptation through the cell-autonomous control of intracellular temperature低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)山城, 芹奈; 寺西, 宏顕; 本村, 晴佳; 太田, 茜; 久原, 篤線虫C. elegansの低温耐性・馴化における全身周回性の神経回路による腸の脂肪蓄積の制御Regulation of intestinal fat accumulation by whole-body circular neural circuits during cold tolerance and acclimation in nematode C. elegans低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)金, 尚宏; 榎木, 亮介概日時計の温度補償性とCa2+シグナルの役割Temperature compensation of circadian clock and the role of Ca2+ signaling低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)宇高, 寛子ナメクジ類の越冬戦略Overwintering strategy in terrestrial slugs低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)泉, 洋平ニカメイガ越冬幼虫における凍結障害回避機構Freezing damage avoidance mechanism of overwintering larvae of rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker.低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (other)山口, 良文; 落合, 正則; 曽根, 正光; 山内, 彩加林はじめに-低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)加藤(鈴木), 美羅; 岡松, 優子哺乳類の寒冷適応における褐色脂肪組織の役割The role of brown adipose tissue in adaptation to cold environment低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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Hokkaido University