Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 6, Zoology

Vol. X, No. 2     ( 1951-03 issued )

The Homing Instinct of the Honey Bee, Apis mellifica (With 1 Text-figure) PDF
UCHIDA, Tohru;KUWABARA, Masutaro 87-96
Some Observations on the Development of the Sea-star, Leptasterias ochotensis similispinis (Clark) (With 9 Text-figures) PDF
KUBO, Kazumi 97-105
A New Water Mite, Arrenurus daisetsuensis n. sp., with a Note on its Life-History (With 17 Text-figures) PDF
IMAMURA, Taiji 106-112
The Permeability of the Sea-Urchin Egg to Water and to Ethylene Glycol (With 4 Text-figures) PDF
SHINOZAKI, Jutaro 113-122
Notes on the Effect of Low Salinity on an Actinian, Diadumene Luciae (With 3 Text-figures) PDF
MIYAWAKI, Mitsuharu 123-126
Testicular Transplantation in Grasshoppers, with Special Remarks on Cytological Phenomena in the Grafted Testes : (Studies on Abnormal Nuclear Divisions, 4) (With 1 Plate) PDF
YOSIDA, Tosihide 127-134
Nemerteans in the Vicinity of Onomichi (With 3 Text-figures) PDF
IWATA, Fumio 135-138
Some Observations of Abnormal Divisions in Grasshopper Germ Cells after Treatment with Hypotonic and Hypertonic Solutions : (Studies on Abnormal Nuclear Divisions, 3) (With 2 Plates) PDF
KANÔ, Kyoko 139-149
Osmotic Homeostasis in Development of the Salamander, Hynobius retardatus PDF
KUSA, Mamoru 151-156
On the Frequent Occurrence of Fresh-water Medusae in Japan (With 2 Text-figures) PDF
UCHIDA, Tohru 157-160
A Brackish-water Medusa from Japan (With 1 Text-figure) PDF
UCHIDA, Tohru 161-162
The Genus Pemphredon Latreille of Japan and the Adjacent Regions (Hymenoptera, Pemphredonidae) (With 19 Text-figures) PDF
TSUNEKI, Katsuji 163-208