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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)藤林, 沙織; 渡邊, 誠いじめの回復プロセスに関する一考察A Study on the recovery process of bullying臨床心理発達相談室紀要Bulletin of Counselling Room for Developmental and Clinical Needs27-Mar-2020
bulletin (article)上倉, 茉莉; 渡邊, 誠なんとなく保健室に来室する中学生に対する養護教諭の見立てと関わりYogo teachers’ assessment and relationship with junior high school students who come to the school infirmary for no particular reason北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University28-Jun-2024
bulletin (article)寺田, 拓晃; 渡邊, 誠「メンヘラ」の歴史と使用に関する一考察A study on the history and use of the word “Menhera”臨床心理発達相談室紀要Bulletin of Counselling Room for Developmental and Clinical Needs25-Mar-2021
bulletin (article)仲野, 芳恵; 渡邊, 誠学級リーダーは学級をどのように体験したか : ある中学校の一学級を通しての考察How do Junior high school students experience classroom group : From the perspective of classroom leaders北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University25-Jun-2022
bulletin (article)吉武, もにか; 渡邊, 誠葛藤を抱えた青年の親子関係変容プロセスと家族規範意識についてThe process of parent-child relationship transformation and family norms in conflicted adolescents北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University25-Jun-2021
bulletin (article)鍋田, 彩菜; 渡邊, 誠教師とスクールカウンセラーの良い協働のプロセス及びその促進要因の検討Process of collaboration between teachers and school counselors and its facilitating factors臨床心理発達相談室紀要Bulletin of Counselling Room for Developmental and Clinical Needs19-Mar-2024
bulletin (article)長, 実智子; 渡邊, 誠「私」にとっての自傷の意味 : 当事者たちによる「かたり」の臨床心理学的考察What self-harm means to 'me'. : Clinical psychological considerations of narratives by self-harmed females北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University25-Jun-2022
bulletin (article)寺田, 拓晃; 渡邊, 誠若者にとっての「病む」こと : 「“メンヘラ”当事者」としての女子学生たちの語り“Yamu” (falling ill) for the youth : a “menhera” narrative by female students臨床心理発達相談室紀要Bulletin of Counselling Room for Developmental and Clinical Needs18-Mar-2022
article草岡, 章大; 渡邊, 誠初任セラピストの自己開示へのためらいと職業的自己の発達に関する質的研究Qualitative analysis of novice therapists' hesitation to use self-disclosure and the developmental process of the professional self人間性心理学研究The Japanese journal of humanistic psychology30-Sep-2019
bulletin (article)笠井, 萌乃; 渡邊, 誠「悩めない」大学生への理解と支援 : 学生相談カウンセラーの視点からUnderstanding and supporting university students who“don’t worry” : From student counselors’ perspective臨床心理発達相談室紀要Bulletin of Counselling Room for Developmental and Clinical Needs19-Mar-2024
bulletin (article)寺田, 拓晃; 本間, 慧子; 矢澤, 正光; 吉武, もにか; 田中, 佑典; 渡邊, 誠臨床心理学講座教員と大学院生の協働による、COVID-19緊急事態宣言下での学生支援企画「茶話会」の実践報告 : 企画に携わった学生が感じた意義と課題Sawakai (tea party): a project conducted by the faculty and students of the clinical psychology department during the COVID-19 state of emergency : significance and issues considered by students involved in the project臨床心理発達相談室紀要Bulletin of Counselling Room for Developmental and Clinical Needs25-Mar-2021
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


Hokkaido University