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article義達, 理恵子; 鈴木, 邦明; 吉村, 善隆; 南川, 元; 鄭, 漢忠口腔がん細胞のシスプラチン耐性化に伴う白金系抗がん剤及び強心配糖体に対する感受性の変化Sensitivity changes to platinum coordination complex and cardiac glycosides in cisplatin-resistant oral cancer cells北海道歯学雑誌-15-Sep-2022
article伊藤, 啓介; 松田, 彩; 北村, 哲也; 養田, 稔; 高橋, 智美; 飯塚, 正; 鄭, 漢忠; 東野, 史裕破骨細胞の機能とRNA結合タンパクHuRとの関連Relationship between osteoclast function and the mRNA binding protein HuR北海道歯学雑誌-15-Mar-2021
article (author version)Zhao, Shen; Hasegawa, Tomoka; Hongo, Hiromi; Yamamoto, Tomomaya; Abe, Miki; Yoshida, Taiji; Haraguchi, Mai; de Freitas, Paulo Henrique Luiz; Li, Minqi; Tei, Kanchu; Amizuka, NorioIntermittent PTH Administration Increases Bone-Specific Blood Vessels and Surrounding Stromal Cells in Murine Long Bones-Calcified tissue international-Mar-2021
article (author version)Ooi, K.; Inoue, N.; Matsushita, K.; Yamaguchi, H.; Mikoya, T.; Kawashiri, S.; Tei, K.Body Weight Loss After Orthognathic Surgery: Comparison Between Postoperative Intermaxillary Fixation with Metal Wire and Elastic Traction, Factors Related to Body Weight Loss-Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery-Mar-2021
article鄭, 漢忠口腔医療の未来Future of Dentistry北海道歯学雑誌-Apr-2020
article畑中, 知之; 三河, 洋平; 東野, 史裕; 鄭, 漢忠; 安田, 元昭口腔扁平上皮がん細胞におけるELAVL 2の発現ELAVL2 Expression in Oral Squamous-cell Carcinoma Cell Lines北海道歯学雑誌-Apr-2020
article (author version)Ooi, Kazuhiro; Inoue, Nobuo; Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Yamaguchi, Hiro-o; Mikoya, Tadashi; Kawashiri, Shuichi; Tei, KanchuFactors related to patients' nutritional state after orthognathic surgery-Oral and maxillofacial surgery-Dec-2019
article (author version)Hatanaka, Tomoyuki; Higashino, Fumihiro; Tei, Kanchu; Yasuda, MotoakiThe neural ELAVL protein HuB enhances endogenous proto-oncogene activation-Biochemical and biophysical research communications-17-Sep-2019
article青海, 哲也; 大廣, 洋一; 古郷, 幹彦; 鄭, 漢忠Robin Sequence 患者における舌前方固定術前・後の栄養摂食経路および体重増加に関する検Study on the Nutrition Route and Weight Gain Before and After Tongue Lip Adhesion in Patients with Robin Sequence北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2019
article (author version)Ohiro, Yoichi; Yamada, Tamaki; Kakuguchi, Wataru; Kobayashi, Ichizo; Kitamura, Tetsuya; Tei, KanchuModified "Dredging Method" for complicated solid/multicystic ameloblastoma in the mandible: Report of a case treated by fractionated enucleation-Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, medicine, and pathology-Mar-2019
article三浦, 和仁; 松下, 貴惠; 新井, 絵理; 松下, 和裕; 鄭, 漢忠; 山崎, 裕ビスホスホネート長期服用患者に対し薬物性歯肉増殖症の手術的対応を行った1例Surgical treatment of drug-induced gingival hyperplasia in a patient on prolonged bisphosphonate therapy北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2019
article原田, 沙織; 松下, 和裕; 山口, 博雄; 三古谷, 忠; 鄭, 漢忠下顎枝矢状分割法術後の安定性および安定性に影響する因子に関する研究Study on the postoperative stability and its contributing factors in Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2019
article山口, 響子; 森口, 徹生; 山下, 大介; 大西, 丘倫; 金子, 貞男; 的場, 亮; 鄭, 漢忠; 近藤, 亨血漿エクソソーム由来microRNA を用いたグリオブラストーマ診断バイオマーカーの探索Plasma exosomal microRNA as a potential biomarker for glioblastoma multiform北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2019
articleKakuguchi, Wataru; Nomura, Takao; Kitamura, Tetsuya; Otsuguro, Satoko; Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Sakaitani, Masahiro; Maenaka, Katsumi; Tei, KanchuSuramin, screened from an approved drug library, inhibits HuR functions and attenuates malignant phenotype of oral cancer cells-Cancer medicine-Dec-2018
article義達, 理恵子; 鈴木, 邦明; 吉村, 善隆; 鄭, 漢忠; 平野, 正康口腔がん細胞(KB)およびそのシスプラチン耐性株(KB-R)に対するネダプラチンおよびカルボプラチンの作用The effect of nedaplatin and carboplatin on oral carcinoma cell line, KB, and its cisplatin-resistant cell line, KB-R.北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2018
article (author version)Ooi, K.; Inoue, N.; Matsushita, K.; Yamaguchi, H.; Mikoya, T.; Minowa, K.; Kawashiri, S.; Nishikata, S.; Tei, K.Incidence of anterior disc displacement without reduction of the temporomandibular joint in patients with dentofacial deformity-International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery-Apr-2018
articleTei, Kanchu; Ohiro, Yoichi; Matsusita, Kazuhiro; Matsuzawa, Yusuke; Satoh, Kazuyo; Yamada, TamakiTherapeutic strategies for etiologies in the oral and maxillofacial regions-北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2017
articleYahara, Motoki; Tei, Kanchu; Tamura, MasatoInhibition of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor induces osteoblast differentiation in MC3T3-E1 cells-Molecular medicine reports-Sep-2017
article (author version)Matsushita, Kazuhiro; Donen, Masaki; Harata, Saori; Nagamine, Kyosuke; Tei, KanchuMorphology of the inferior border of the mandible: correct relation between the lowest position of the outer and inner contours of the cortex for a successful splitMorphology of the inferior border of the mandible: The relationship between the lowest position of the outer and inner contours of the cortex for a successful splitBritish journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery-Jun-2017
article長峯, 杏介; 足利, 雄一; 堀向, 弘眞; 北村, 哲也; 進藤, 正信; 鄭, 漢忠側頭下窩に生じた炎症性偽腫瘍の1例Inflammatory pseudotumor of the infratemporal fossa北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2017
Showing results 1 to 20 of 36
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Hokkaido University