Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Yamaguchi, Shigeru; Motegi, Hiroaki; Ishi, Yukitomo; Okamoto, Michinari; Sawaya, Ryosuke; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki; Terasaka, Shunsuke; Houkin, Kiyohiro | Clinical Outcome of Cytoreductive Surgery Prior to Bevacizumab for Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma: A Single-center Retrospective Analysis | - | Neurologia medico-chirurgica | - | Apr-2021 |
article | Yamazaki, Kazuyoshi; Kawabori, Masahito; Seki, Toshitaka; Takamiya, Soichiro; Konno, Kotaro; Watanabe, Masahiko; Houkin, Kiyohiro; Fujimura, Miki | Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheet Promotes Functional Recovery and Palliates Neuropathic Pain in a Subacute Spinal Cord Injury Model | - | Stem cells international | - | 9-Jul-2021 |
article (author version) | Endo, Shogo; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki; Terasaka, Shunsuke; Iguchi, Akihiro; Cho, Yuko; Ohshirma, Junjiro; Kubota, Kanako; Houkin, Kiyohiro | Primary intracranial yolk sac tumor in the posterior fossa : Case report of a child with Down syndrome | - | Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery | - | Jun-2013 |
article (author version) | Yamaguchi, Shigeru; Ishi, Yukitomo; Motegi, Hiroaki; Okamoto, Michinari; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki; Hirata, Kenji; Oda, Yoshitaka; Tanaka, Shinya; Terasaka, Shunsuke; Houkin, Kiyohiro | The prognostic improvement of add-on bevacizumab for progressive disease during concomitant temozolomide and radiation therapy in patients with glioblastoma and anaplastic astrocytoma | - | Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences | - | Dec-2020 |
article (author version) | Yamaguchi, Shigeru; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki; Narita, Takuhito; Kanehira, Koki; Sonezaki, Shuji; Kudo, Nobuki; Kubota, Yoshinobu; Terasaka, Shunsuke; Houkin, Kiyohiro | Sonodynamic therapy using water-dispersed TiO2-polyethylene glycol compound on glioma cells : Comparison of cytotoxic mechanism with photodynamic therapy | - | Ultrasonics Sonochemistry | - | Sep-2011 |
article | 黒田, 敏; 川堀, 真人; 宮本, 倫行; 笹森, 徹; 遠藤, 将吾; 中山, 若樹; 石川, 達哉; 宝金, 清博; 岩﨑, 喜信 | 側頭葉から後頭葉にかけて高度の虚血を有するもやもや病に対する脳血行再建術 | Revascularization Surgery for Moyamoya Disease with Cerebral Ischemia in Temporo-occipital Lobes | 脳卒中の外科 | Surgery for Cerebral Stroke | 2009 |
article | 王, 子灃; 譚, 成博; 川堀, 真人; 七戸, 秀夫; 寶金, 清博 | 中国における中枢神経疾患に対する細胞治療の最新動向 | Comprehensive review of cell therapy for central nervous system disease in China | 北海道医学雑誌 | The Hokkaido journal of medical science | 1-May-2018 |
article | 川堀, 真人; 七戸, 秀夫; 黒田, 敏; 宝金, 清博 | 脳血管障害患者に対する再生医療の現状と将来 | Cell Therapy Against Stroke, Current Status and Future Perspective | 日獨医報 | - | 25-Jan-2018 |
article (author version) | 川堀, 真人; 黒田, 敏; 七戸, 秀夫; 宝金, 清博 | 脳梗塞をターゲットとした再生医療における最適な細胞移植法 | Optimal technique for cell delivery in regenerative medicine for central nervous system disorders | 再生医療 : 日本再生医療学会雑誌 | - | Nov-2010 |
article | 黒田, 敏; 七戸, 秀夫; 杉山, 拓; 伊東, 雅基; 川堀, 真人; 千葉, 泰弘; 長内, 俊也; 丸一, 勝彦; 宝金, 清博; 岩﨑, 喜信 | 脳卒中に対する骨髄間質細胞移植研究の現状と課題 | Progress and perspective of bone marrow stromal cell transplantation for ischemic stroke | 脳卒中 | Japanese journal of stroke | 26-Nov-2010 |
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10