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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Kayama, Masazumi; Choi, Dongsu; Tobita, Hiroyuki; Utsugi, Hajime; Kitao, Mitsutoshi; Maruyama, Yutaka; Nomura, Mutsumi; Koike, TakayoshiComparison of growth characteristics and tolerance to serpentine soil of three ectomycorrhizal spruce seedlings in northern Japan-Trees - Structure and Function-Jun-2006
article (author version)Watanabe, Makoto; Umemoto-Yamaguchi, Michiko; Koike, Takayoshi; Izuta, TakeshiGrowth and photosynthetic response of Fagus crenata seedlings to ozone and/or elevated carbon dioxide-Landscape and Ecological Engineering-Jul-2010
articleDong-Gyu, Kam; Shi, Cong; Watanabe, Makoto; Kita, Kazuhito; Satoh, Fuyuki; Koike, TakayoshiGrowth of Japanese and hybrid larch seedlings grown under free-air O-3 fumigation-an initial assessment of the effects of adequate and excessive nitrogen-Journal of agricultural meteorology-Sep-2015
bulletin (article)KOIKE, Takayoshi; KITAOKA, Satosi; MASYAGINA, OXANA V; WATANABE, Yoko; JI, Donghun; MARUYAMA, Yutaka; SASA, KaichiroNitrogen Dynamics in Leaves of Deciduous Broad-leaved Tree Seedlings Grown in Summer Green Forests in Northern Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Mar-2007
bulletin (article)PROKUSHKIN, Stanislav G.; PROKUSHKIN, Anatoly S.; STASOVA, Victoria V.; MORI, Shigeta; SAKAMOTO, Yasuaki; QUORESHI, Ali M.; KOIKE, TakayoshiReaction of Larix gmelinii Roots Under Low Soil Temperatures in Northern Parts of Central Siberia-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Mar-2002
articleSugai, Tetsuto; Wang Yannan; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Satoh, Fuyuki; Qu, Laiye; Koike, TakayoshiSalt Stress Reduced the Seedling Growth of Two Larch Species Under Elevated Ozone-Frontiers in forests and global change-18-Sep-2019
bulletin (article)KAYAMA, Masazumi; CHOI, Dongsu; SASA, Kaichiro; SATOH, Fuyuki; NOMURA, Mutsumi; KOIKE, TakayoshiA Trial for Reforestation After Forest Fires with Sakhalin Spruce in the Northern Most Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Mar-2007
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 渡邊, 陽子; 船田, 良; 佐野, 雄三; 高木, 健太郎; 日浦, 勉; 笹, 賀一郎; 佐藤, 冬樹開放系CO2増加実験(FACE:Free Air CO2 Enrichment)による森林樹木への高濃度CO2の影響評価:札幌実験苗畑の例(2002-2013)Evaluation of responses of deciduous broad-leaved trees to elevated CO2 with a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system : an example of Sapporo Experimental Nursery (YY02-13)北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)増井, 昇; 北岡, 哲; 渡邊, 陽子; 渡部, 敏裕; 藤戸, 永志; 佐々木, 圭子; 佐藤, 冬樹; アガトクレオス, エフゲニオス; 小池, 孝良開放系オゾン付加施設で生育させたハコヤナギ属2樹種の病虫害と成長の季節変化 : 2021年の事例Seasonal change in outbreak of disease, insect grazing and growth in two species of Poplar cuttings raised under a free-air Ozone fumigation : a case of 2021北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2022
bulletin (article)増井, 昇; 井上, 史朗; 松浦, 英幸; アガトクレオス, エフゲニス; 藤戸, 永志; 渡部, 敏裕; 小池, 孝良開放系オゾン付加施設におけるシラカンバ葉内脂肪酸組成の変動 : 植物-昆虫間コミュニケーションの視点からVariation in fatty acid composition in leaves of birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) in a free-air ozone fumigation system : A plant-insect communication perspective北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2023
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 上田, 裕文; 幸田, 圭一; 北岡, 哲; 佐々木, 圭子; 藤戸, 永志; 伊藤, 悠也; 玉井, 裕; 渡部, 敏裕骨炭と外生菌根菌がカラマツ稚樹の成長へ及ぼす影響 : 森の木々の根本で焼骨を土に還すドイツの自然葬への取り組みEffects of bone charcoal and ectomycorrhizal fungi on the growth of Japanese larch seedlings : German natural burial initiative to return burnt bones to the earth at the roots of forests北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2023
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 星加, 康智; 玉井, 裕; 高木, 健太郎; 市川, 一; 門松, 昌彦; 佐藤, 冬樹対流圏オゾンの森林への影響評価に関する研究概要 : 札幌実験苗畑の例Research projects of evaluating the growth of deciduous broad-leaved trees treated with free-air ozone fumigation systems in the Sapporo Experimental Nursery北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)外﨑, 勝美; 笹, 賀一郎; 小池, 孝良日中共同研究「カラマツ再生林の機能評価研究」についてStudy on the evaluation system of functional aspect of a larch plantation : an introduction to the joint larch study between Japan and China北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2-Oct-2000
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 生方, 信; 佐野, 雄三; 市川, 一; 藤戸, 永志; 上浦, 達哉; 門松, 昌彦; 渡邊, 陽子; 佐藤, 冬樹文科省SSHプロジェクトへの貢献 : 札幌実験苗畑の事例A contribution to SSH project of MEXT with use of the Sapporo Experimental Nursery北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14


Hokkaido University