Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Hoshiba, Yasuhiro; Hirata, Takafumi; Shigemitsu, Masahito; Nakano, Hideyuki; Hashioka, Taketo; Masuda, Yoshio; Yamanaka, Yasuhiro | Biological data assimilation for parameter estimation of a phytoplankton functional type model for the western North Pacific | - | Ocean science | - | 1-Jun-2018 |
article | Masuda, Yoshio; Yamanaka, Yasuhiro; Hirata, Takafumi; Nakano, Hideyuki | Competition and community assemblage dynamics within a phytoplankton functional group: Simulation using an eddy-resolving model to disentangle deterministic and random effects | - | Ecological modelling | - | 10-Jan-2017 |
article | Ogura, Kosuke; Hoshi, Zenzo; Nagata, Eisuke; Ichikawa, Ryoji; Nakanishi, Takayuki; Hasegawa, Yasuchika; Nakano, Hideyuki | Emission Modulation of Poly(vinyl acetate)-Tetrabutylphosphonium Tetrafluoroborate Hybrid Film Doped with 4-[Bis(4-methylphenyl)amino]-benzaldehyde | - | Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology | - | 11-May-2015 |
article | Nakano, Hideyuki; Hirakawa, Naoki; Matsubara, Yasuhiro; Yamashita, Shigeru; Okuchi, Takuo; Asahina, Kenta; Tanaka, Ryo; Suzuki, Noriyuki; Naraoka, Hiroshi; Takano, Yoshinori; Tachibana, Shogo; Hama, Tetsuya; Oba, Yasuhiro; Kimura, Yuki; Watanabe, Naoki; Kouchi, Akira | Precometary organic matter: A hidden reservoir of water inside the snow line | - | Scientific reports | - | 8-May-2020 |
article | Midorikawa, Takashi; Ishii, Masao; Kosugi, Naohiro; Sasano, Daisuke; Nakano, Toshiya; Saito, Shu; Sakamoto, Naoaki; Nakano, Hideyuki; Inoue, Hisayuki Y. | Recent deceleration of oceanic pCO2 increase in the western North Pacific in winter | - | Geophysical Research Letters | - | 19-Jun-2012 |
bulletin (article) | 林, 孝亮; 中野, 英之 | すごろく教材で考える放射線と原発事故後の福島での暮らし : 「放射線人生ゲーム」の開発 | Development of an Educational Japanese Variety of Parcheesi, Called“ Hoshasen Jinsei Game”, for Understanding Radiation and the Living in Fukushima after the Accident in Atomic Powered Generation | 科学技術コミュニケーション | Japanese Journal of Science Communication | Jun-2014 |
bulletin (article) | 中野, 英之; 平川, 尚毅 | 教員養成系大学の学生を対象とした化石標本100点セットを用いたミニ博物館づくり | Development of a Teaching Program Making a Small-Scale Museum Using a Set of One Hundred Fossils for Teacher Training Course Students | 高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 | Journal of higher education and lifelong learning | Mar-2022 |
bulletin (article) | 塚本, 胡美; 中野, 英之; 平川, 尚毅 | 班活動で利用できる卓上プラネタリウム“アマテラス”の開発 | Development of tabletop planetarium named “AMATERASU”, useful Tools for a group activity | 科学技術コミュニケーション | Japanese Journal of Science Communication | Jul-2019 |
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8