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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Ko, Jae-Hong; Asano, Atsushi; Kon, Yasuhiro; Watanabe, Tomomasa; Agui, TakashiCharacterization of the Chicken PKR : Polymorphism of the gene and Antiviral Activity against Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-Feb-2004
bulletin (article)OKANO, Shinya; ASANO, Atsushi; SASAKI, Nobuya; KON, Yasuhiro; WATANABE, Tomomasa; AGUI, TakashiExamination of the Lunatic fringe and Uncx4.1 expression by whole-mount in situ hybridization in the embryo of the CKH-Jsr(jumbled spine and ribs)mouse-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-Feb-2005
bulletin (article)MIZUTANI, Tetsuya; HAYASHI, Masanobu; MAEDA, Akihiko; ISHIDA, Kozue; WATANABE, Tomomasa; NAMIOKA, ShigeoTHE INHIBITORY EFFECTS OF MgSO_4 ON THE MULTIPLICATION AND TRANSCRIPTION OF MOUSE HEPATITIS VIRUS-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-31-Aug-1994
bulletin (article)WATANABE, Tomomasa; KON, Yasuhiro; YAMASHITA, TadashiLaboratory of Esperimental Animal Science-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-30-Nov-1998
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


Hokkaido University