Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education >
子ども発達臨床研究 = The Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development >
第20号 >
Title: | 中学生ディスレクシア児にとっての授業中のノートテイキング |
Other Titles: | In-class note-taking for middle school students with dyslexia |
Authors: | 尾崎, 里帆1 Browse this author | 関, あゆみ2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB |
Authors(alt): | Ozaki, Riho1 | Seki, Ayumi2 |
Keywords: | ノートテイキング | ディスレクシア | 学習支援 | 中学生 | note taking | developmental dyslexia | learning support | junior high school student |
Issue Date: | 10-Jun-2024 |
Publisher: | 北海道大学大学院教育学研究院附属子ども発達臨床研究センター |
Journal Title: | 子ども発達臨床研究 |
Journal Title(alt): | Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development |
Volume: | 20 |
Start Page: | 25 |
End Page: | 34 |
Abstract: | 授業・学習中にメモをとるノートテイキングは,学校現場でよく用いられる学習方略の1つであるが,書くことが困難な発達性ディスレクシア児にとっては負荷が高い。学習に難しさの増す中学校の授業における,発達性ディスレクシア児のノートテイキングの困難の実態と,必要と考えられる支援を検討するため調査をおこなった。その結果,ノートを書くことが成績評価に使用されることから,ノートを書くこと自体が目的となり内容理解が後回しになってしまうといった難しさがあった。さらに,書く速さが間に合っていたり書くことの代替手段を利用できたりしていても,読みの遅さやダブルタスクの難しさから授業内容を記録することへの配慮が必要な場合があることがわかった。加えて,中学校では教科担任制であることから,教科毎に異なる授業形式に対応できるよう支援する必要があると分かった。 | Note-taking during class is one of the most common learning strategies used in schools, but it is a difficult task for children with developmental dyslexia who have difficulty in writing. We conducted a survey to clarify what kind of difficulty children with developmental dyslexia experience in note-taking and what kind of support they need in junior high school classes, where learning becomes more difficult. The results showed that since note-taking is used for grading, the purpose of note-taking itself becomes the objective, and comprehension of the content is put on the back burner. Furthermore, it was found that even if the students were able to write fast enough or were able to use alternative means of writing, there were cases in which they still confront the difficulties with recording contents of lectures due to their slow reading speed or difficulty in double-tasking. In addition, it was found that since the junior high school have a subject teacher system , it is necessary to support them in adapting to the different teaching styles of each subject. |
Type: | bulletin (article) |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/2115/92665 |
Appears in Collections: | 子ども発達臨床研究 = The Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development > 第20号