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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)KITAOKA, Satoshi; FUJITA, Saki; WATANABE, Yoko; CHOI, DongSu; WATANABE, Toshihiro; SHINANO, Takuro; SATOH, Fuyuki; KOIKE, TakayoshiGrowth and nitrogen use characteristics of black locust, an invasive alien species, grown under different light and CO2 conditions-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-2022
bulletin (article)増井, 昇; 北岡, 哲; 渡邊, 陽子; 渡部, 敏裕; 藤戸, 永志; 佐々木, 圭子; 佐藤, 冬樹; アガトクレオス, エフゲニオス; 小池, 孝良開放系オゾン付加施設で生育させたハコヤナギ属2樹種の病虫害と成長の季節変化 : 2021年の事例Seasonal change in outbreak of disease, insect grazing and growth in two species of Poplar cuttings raised under a free-air Ozone fumigation : a case of 2021北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2022
bulletin (article)増井, 昇; 菅井, 徹人; 渡邊, 陽子; 渡部, 敏裕; 塩尻, かおり; 佐々木, 圭子; 藤戸, 永司; 荒川, 圭太; 佐藤, 冬樹; 小池, 孝良高オゾン環境下でのヤマナラシ属2種の成長と病虫害の観察 : 中間報告Interim report on activities of insect herbivore and disease in two species of poplar grown under elevated O3.北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University ForestsJan-2021
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 江口, 則和; 渡部, 敏裕; 市川, 一; 藤戸, 永志; 曲, 来葉; 渡辺, 誠; 渡邊, 陽子; アガトクレオス, エフゲニオス; 石, 聡; 北尾, 光俊; 高木, 健太郎; 日浦, 勉; 里村, 多賀美; 半, 智史; 船田, 良; 山﨑, 友紀; 佐藤, 冬樹生産環境変化が樹林地の動態に与える広域影響評価 : 開放系CO2とO3の付加実験施設での成果からBrief experimental history of evaluation of the environmental environment (elevated CO2 and O3) on urban and suburb trees with use of a mini-FACE and flux monitoring towers北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University ForestsDec-2019
bulletin (article)花里, 貴志; 守屋, 豊人; 渋井, 宏美; 渡邊, 陽子; 武田, 修; 佐野, 雄三北見市常呂川河口遺跡から出土したアイヌ文化期の木質遺物の樹種同定Identification of wooden remains in the Ainu Culture Period excavated at the Tokorogawa Estuary Site, Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan北海道大学演習林研究報告Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University ForestsMay-2019
bulletin (article)Watanabe, Yoko; Moriya, Toyohito; Takakura, Jun; Satoh, Fuyuki; Koike, TakayoshiDevelopment of teaching materials for international course students on the ancient forest culture of the Hokkaido University Campus-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Dec-2017
article (author version)Watanabe, Yoko; Wakabayashi, Keita; Kitaoka, Satoshi; Satomura, Takami; Eguchi, Norikazu; Watanabe, Makoto; Nakaba, Satoshi; Takagi, Kentaro; Sano, Yuzou; Funada, Ryo; Koike, TakayoshiResponse of tree growth and wood structure of Larix kaempferi, Kalopanax septemlobus and Betula platyphylla saplings to elevated CO2 concentration for 5 years exposure in a FACE system-Trees : structure and function-Oct-2016
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 渡邊, 陽子; 船田, 良; 佐野, 雄三; 高木, 健太郎; 日浦, 勉; 笹, 賀一郎; 佐藤, 冬樹開放系CO2増加実験(FACE:Free Air CO2 Enrichment)による森林樹木への高濃度CO2の影響評価:札幌実験苗畑の例(2002-2013)Evaluation of responses of deciduous broad-leaved trees to elevated CO2 with a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system : an example of Sapporo Experimental Nursery (YY02-13)北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 生方, 信; 佐野, 雄三; 市川, 一; 藤戸, 永志; 上浦, 達哉; 門松, 昌彦; 渡邊, 陽子; 佐藤, 冬樹文科省SSHプロジェクトへの貢献 : 札幌実験苗畑の事例A contribution to SSH project of MEXT with use of the Sapporo Experimental Nursery北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
article (author version)Aguilos, Maricar; Takagi, Kentaro; Liang, Naishen; Ueyama, Masahito; Fukuzawa, Karibu; Nomura, Mutsumi; Kishida, Osamu; Fukazawa, Tatsuya; Takahashi, Hiroyuki; Kotsuka, Chikara; Sakai, Rei; Ito, Kinya; Watanabe, Yoko; Fujinuma, Yasumi; Takahashi, Yoshiyuki; Murayama, Takeshi; Saigusa, Nobuko; Sasa, KaichiroDynamics of ecosystem carbon balance recovering from a clear-cutting in a cool-temperate forest-Agricultural and Forest Meteorology-15-Oct-2014
articleAguilos, Maricar; Takagi, Kentaro; Liang, Naishen; Watanabe, Yoko; Teramoto, Munemasa; Goto, Seijiro; Takahashi, Yoshiyuki; Mukai, Hitoshi; Sasa, KaichiroSustained large stimulation of soil heterotrophic respiration rate and its temperature sensitivity by soil warming in a cool-temperate forested peatland-Tellus Series B : Chemical and Physical Meteorology-2013
article (author version)Watanabe, Makoto; Watanabe, Yoko; Kim, Yong Suk; Koike, TakayoshiDark aerobic methane emission associated to leaf factors of two Acacia and five Eucalyptus species-Atmospheric Environment-Jul-2012
article (author version)Watanabe, Makoto; Watanabe, Yoko; Kitaoka, Satoshi; Utsugi, Hajime; Kita, Kazuhito; Koike, TakayoshiGrowth and photosynthetic traits of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica x L. kaempferi) under elevated CO2 concentration with low nutrient availability-Tree Physiology-Sep-2011
article小池, 孝良; 唐木, 貴行; 間宮, 春大; 渡邊, 陽子; 秋林, 幸男; 小池, 晶; 瀬崎, 由理子; 岡崎, まち子Ⅱ-3 札幌農学校収集の樹木タネ標本を利用したエコキャンパス教育-北方森林保全技術-2009
article小池, 孝良; 江口, 則和; 渡辺, 誠; 渡邊, 陽子; 北岡, 哲; 里村, 多香美; 高木, 健太郎; 柴田, 英昭; 日浦, 勉; 笹, 賀一郎; 船田, 良Ⅱ-2 RR2002・モジュールFACE研究の展開―札幌実験苗畑の利用―-北方森林保全技術-2008
article渡邊, 陽子; 小池, 孝良; 秋林, 幸男; 間宮, 春大; 小池, 晶; 常田, 益代Ⅱ-1 北海道大学構内の遺跡出土材を利用した国際教育への貢献 : 北大短期留学生コース(HUSTEP)学生用の先史森林文化教育のためのパネル作成-北方森林保全技術-2008
articleWatanabe, Yoko; Koike, Takayoshi; Mamiya, Haruhiro; Koike, Akira; Akibayashi, Yukio; Tokita, MasuyoA University Forests lecture for HUSTEP (Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program) on the ancient forest culture of Hokkaido University campus-北方森林保全技術-2008
bulletin (article)KOIKE, Takayoshi; KITAOKA, Satosi; MASYAGINA, OXANA V; WATANABE, Yoko; JI, Donghun; MARUYAMA, Yutaka; SASA, KaichiroNitrogen Dynamics in Leaves of Deciduous Broad-leaved Tree Seedlings Grown in Summer Green Forests in Northern Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Mar-2007
bulletin (article)Koike, Takayoshi; Matsuki, Sawako; Choi, Dongsu; Matsumoto, Takeshi; Watanabe, Yoko; Maruyama, YutakaPhotosynthesis, Leaf longevity and Defense Characteristics in Trees of Betulaceae Planted in Northern Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Dec-2006
bulletin (article)渡邊, 陽子; 深沢, 和三カエデ属における細胞壁リグニンの多様性Lignin Heterogeneity of the Cell Walls on the Genus Acer北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSNov-1993
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20


Hokkaido University