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article大舘, 智志トガリネズミの哺乳類学 : 分かっていないなら自分で調べよう!-哺乳類科学-9-Feb-2024
bulletin (article)大舘, 智志冬眠しないトガリネズミの越冬戦略Wintering strategy of soricine shrews, which do not hibernate低温科学Low Temperature Science20-Mar-2023
articleFujiwara, Kazumichi; Ranorosoa, Marie C.; Ohdachi, Satoshi D.; Arai, Satoru; Sakuma, Yuki; Suzuki, Hitoshi; Osada, NaokiWhole-genome sequencing analysis of wild house mice (Mus musculus) captured in Madagascar-Genes & Genetic Systems-1-Aug-2022
articleKozlovskiy, Evgeniy E.; Kisleiko, Aleksandr A.; Fukuda, Tomoko; Kawai, Kuniko; Abramov, Alexei V.; Ohdachi, SatoshiRecords of sika deer Cervus nippon from the southern Kuril Islands in 1986-2019, with special reference to a continuous record of living deer on Kunashir Island since 2017-Mammal study-15-Apr-2020
article阿部, 永; 藤巻, 祐蔵; 齊藤, 隆; 大舘, 智志; 佐藤, 喜和『哺乳類科学』60 巻記念座談会―創立メンバーから次世代へ伝えたいこと-哺乳類科学-14-Feb-2020
article大舘, 智志書評『くらべる骨格 動物図鑑』-哺乳類科学-14-Feb-2020
articleSanchez, Lida; Ohdachi, Satoshi D; Kawahara, Atsushi; Echenique‐Diaz, Lazaro M.; Maruyama, Shinichiro; Kawata, MasakadoAcoustic emissions of Sorex unguiculatus (Mammalia: Soricidae): Assessing the echo‐based orientation hypothesisEcol EvolEcology and evolution-15-Feb-2019
article大舘, 智志; エチェニケ– ディアス, ラザロ; ベゲ– キアラ, ヘラルド; 溝田, 浩二; 北, 将樹野生のキューバソレノドン(アルミキ)Solenodon cubanus の生態を垣間見る-哺乳類科学-30-Jan-2019
articleOhdachi, Satoshi D.; Yoshizawa, Kazunori; Takada, Yasushi; Motokawa, Masaharu; Iwasa, Masahiro A.; Arai, Satoru; Moribe, Junji; Uematsu, Yasushi; Sakai, Eiichi; Tateishi, Takashi; Oh, Hong-Shik; Kinoshita, GohtaPhylogeography of the Japanese white-toothed shrew (Eulipotyphla:Soricidae): a clear division of haplogroups between eastern and western Japan and their recent introduction to some regions-Mammal Study-19-Oct-2018
article大舘, 智志; 河原, 淳北海道で捕獲された全身白毛のバイカルトガリネズミ(Sorex caecutiens)の初記録The first record of Laxmann’s shrew (Sorex caecutiens) with completely white pelage, captured in Hokkaido, Japan哺乳類科学-30-Jul-2018
article大舘, 智志書評 カワネズミ探しの夫と旅の記憶。-哺乳類科学-Jun-2018
articleHORAI, Haruka; OHDACHI, Satoshi; MOTOKAWA, Masaharu; LIN, Kyaw San; OO, Thida; SWE, Khin Yu Yu; THAN, Wynn; MEKADA, KazuyukiY chromosome polymorphism found among house shrew populations in Myanmar-Naturalistae-Feb-2018
articleOhdachi, Satoshi D.; Kinoshita, Gohta; Nasher, Abdul Karim; Yonezawa, Takahiro; Arai, Satoru; Kikuchi, Fuka; Kyaw San, Lin; Saw, BawmRe-evaluation of the phylogeny based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in the house shrew, Suncus murinus-S. montanus species complex, with special reference to Yemen and Myanmar populations-Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity-31-Oct-2017
column大舘, 大學『動物殺しの民族誌』 シンジルト,奧野克巳 [編] (昭和堂,2016年,374項,5,800円)-哺乳類科学-11-Jul-2017
column大舘, 智志謎多き稀少動物「キューバソレノドン」の研究最前線 : 従来の説を覆す!-academist journal-10-Feb-2017
articleOhdachi, Satoshi D.; Kinoshita, Gohta; Oda, Sen-ichi; Motokawa, Masaharu; Jogahara, Takamichi; Arai, Satoru; Son Truong Nguyen; Suzuki, Hitoshi; Katakura, Ken; Bawm, Saw; Min, Myin Zu; Thwe, Thida Lay; Gamage, Chandika D.; Hashim, Rosli; Omar, Hasmahzaiti; Maryanto, Ibnu; Ghadirian, Taher; Ranorosoa, Marie Claudine; Moribe, Junji; Tsuchiya, KimiyukiIntraspecific phylogeny of the house shrews, Suncus murinus-S-montanus species complex, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene-Mammal study-31-Dec-2016
articleSakuma, Yuki; Ranorosoa, Marie C.; Kinoshita, Gohta; Shimoji, Hiroyuki; Tsuchiya, Kimiyuki; Ohdachi, Satoshi D.; Arai, Satoru; Tanaka, Chihiro; Ramino, Hajanirina; Suzuki, HitoshiVariation in the coat-color-controlling genes, Mc1r and Asip,in the house mouse Mus musculus from Madagascar-Mammal Study-1-Sep-2016
articleSakuma, Yuki; Ranorosoa, Marie C.; Kinoshita, Gohta; Shimoji, Hiroyuki; Tsuchiya, Kimiyuki; Ohdachi, Satoshi D.; Arai, Satoru; Tanaka, Chihiro; Ramino, Hajanirina; Suzuki, HitoshiVariation in the coat-color-controlling genes, Mc1r and Asip, in the house mouse Mus musculus from Madagascar-Mammal study-Sep-2016
articleNamba, Tomoyuki; Ohdachi, Satoshi D.Top-Down Cascade Effects of the Long-Clawed Shrew (Sorex unguiculatus) on the Soil Invertebrate Community in a Cool-Temperate Forest-Mammal Study-Sep-2016
articleSato, Jun J.; Ohdachi, Satoshi D.; Echenique-Diaz, Lazaro M.; Borroto-Páez, Rafael; Begué-Quiala, Gerardo; Delgado-Labañino, Jorge L.; Gámez-Díez, Jorgelino; Alvarez-Lemus, José; Nguyen, Son Truong; Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki; Kita, MasakiMolecular phylogenetic analysis of nuclear genes suggests a Cenozoic over-water dispersal origin for the Cuban solenodon-Scientific Reports-23-Aug-2016
Showing results 1 to 20 of 96
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Hokkaido University