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article中山, 忠彦; 正木, 卓; 長尾, 正克; 坂下, 明彦北海道における一般企業の農業参入経過とその意義 : 食品関連企業の参入を中心にThe Progress of General Enterprises' Entry into Agriculture in Hokkaido and its Significance : Food-Related Enterprisesフロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics5-Sep-2022
article敖敦図雅; 坂下, 明彦; 正木, 卓内モンゴル牧民の分割相続と家畜飼養形態の変化 : 赤峰市達木ガチャーの実態調査からA study of Nomadic Herders' Inheritance Practices and Changes in Herd Management in Inner Mongolia : From a fact-finding survey of Damu Gacha in Chifeng Cityフロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics20-Nov-2021
other坂下, 明彦; 清水池, 義治座長解題 : 生活改善・公民館活動からみた北海道農村社会の変容Common Theme : Transformations of Rural Society in Hokkaido from the Viewpoint of Livelihood Improvement and Community Center Activitiesフロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics31-Mar-2021
article王, 鄢; 朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦中国蘇南農村における高齢者の生活と老親扶義の性格 : 開弦弓村を事例にPositioning of Elderly People's Life in Inter-generational Relations and Characteristics of Old-age Family Support in Sunan Rural Area, China : A Case Study of Kaixiangong Villageフロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics31-Mar-2021
bulletin (article)星野, 愛花里; 坂下, 明彦ホクレンによる都市型インショップの展開と供給組織の形成 : 月形新鮮組の事例からExpansion of Urban “In-shop” by Hokuren and Construction of Supply Organization : A Case Study of “Tsukigata-Shinsengumi”北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics, Hokkaido University31-Dec-2020
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦中国蘇南地域における内水面漁業・化繊織物業の企業的展開と農村金融 : 江村の追跡調査(9)Corporate Development and Rural Finance of Inland Fishery and the Synthetic Textile Industry in South Jiangsu Province : Jiang Village Follow-Up Study (9)北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics, Hokkaido University31-Dec-2020
article朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦中国海南島における少数民族集落の職工農家の就業構造 : 国有南浜農場の黎族集落を対象としてEmployment Structure of Worker-Househoids in Ethnic Minority Villages on Hainan Island, China : A Case of Ethnic Li Minority in Nanbin State Farmフロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economic31-Mar-2020
bulletin (article)坂下, 明彦; 申, 錬鐵; 朴, 紅; 松木, 靖; 禹, 暎均韓国における高原野菜産地の特質 : 太白市の白菜団地を対象にThe characteristics of highland vegetable production areas in Korea : Targeting Chinese cabbages grown in Taebaek-si北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2017
bulletin (article)金丸, 大輔; 正木, 卓; 坂下, 明彦北海道水田地帯における中山間地域等直接支払制度の運用と課題 : 栗山町を事例としてEffective operation and problems of direct payment in hilly and mountainous areas of paddy field areas in Hokkaido : The case of Kuriyama Town北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2017
article李, 雪蓮; 朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦中国東北地方における朝鮮族出稼ぎによる集落の農地移動調整Farmland adjustment due to migration of ethnic Koreans in Northeast Chinaフロンティア農業経済研究-30-Apr-2016
bulletin (article)大森, 隆; 松本, 啓佑; 坂下, 明彦ホクレンによる鶏卵団地の形成とその後の推移Development of the poultry farming complex and reorganization in Hokkaido北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University30-Nov-2015
bulletin (article)吉本, 諭; 近藤, 巧; 坂下, 明彦食卓自給率の試算 : 北海道の食卓から自給率を考えるTrial calculation of dining table self-sufficiency ratio : Consideration of self-sufficiency ratio from Hokkaido's dining table北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University30-Nov-2015
article藤田, 久雄; 小林, 国之; 棚橋, 知春; 中村, 正士; 坂下, 明彦単位農協と県連の事業一体化と販売優位の経済事業改革 : 愛知経済連のケーススタディ 独立系経済連の研究(3)Economic reform in agricultural cooperatives through business unification of unit cooperatives and prefectural federations : A case study on the prefectural economic federation in Aichi prefecture (third study on independent prefectural economic federations of cooperatives)フロンティア農業経済研究-31-Oct-2015
bulletin (article)中山, 忠彦; 正木, 卓; 坂下, 明彦会計事務所による農業経営の支援システムSupport System of Farm Management in the Accountancy Firm北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University1-Apr-2014
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦蘇南地域における郷村企業の発展・衰退と農村リーダーの変化 : 江村の追跡調査 (8)Development and decline of township-village enterprises and change of rural leadership in the Sunan area of China : follow-up research on Kaixiangong village (8)北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University1-Apr-2014
bulletin (article)藤田, 久雄; 小林, 国之; 棚橋, 知春; 中村, 正士; 坂下, 明彦県連主導型の農協事業体制と農協合併による一体化 : 鹿児島経済連のケーススタディ 独立系経済連の研究 (2)Unification through the prefectural federation of agricultural cooperative’s merging of the agricultural cooperatives business system with agricultural cooperatives : case study on the prefectural business federation in Kagoshima Prefecture (second study on independent prefectural business federations of cooperatives)北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University1-Apr-2014
article大森, 隆; 坂下, 明彦北海道における採卵養鶏業の経営分析An Analysis of Poultry Farm Businesses in Hokkaidoフロンティア農業経済研究-1-Apr-2013
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦大規模稲作地帯の形成と精米企業展開の特質 : 中国黒龍江省八五四農場を対象にFormation of Large-Scale Rice Cultivation Areas and Characteristics of Rice-Milling Companies : A Case Study of State Farm 854 in Heilongjiang Province, China北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University1-Apr-2013
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦; 姚, 富坤蘇南地域における農村企業の展開と出稼ぎ労働者 : 江村の追跡調査(7)Development of rural enterprises and migrant workers in south Jiangsu Province -Jiang village follow-up study (7)-北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2012
bulletin (article)大森, 隆; 坂下, 明彦鶏卵のフードシステムと系統農協の機能変化The Food System of the Egg and Functional Changes in the System of Agricultural Cooperatives北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2012
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