Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | Oouchi, Manabu; Hasebe, Akira; Hata, Hironobu; Segawa, Taku; Yamazaki, Yutaka; Yoshida, Yasuhiro; Kitagawa, Yoshimasa; Shibata, Ken-ichiro | Age-related alteration of expression and function of TLRs and NK activity in oral candidiasis | - | Oral diseases | - | Jul-2015 |
article | Hata, Hironobu; Takada, Shinya; Sato, Jun; Yoshikawa, Kazuhito; Imamachi, Kenji; Edo, Minako; Sagawa, Tamotsu; Fujikawa, Koshi; Ueda, Michihiro; Matsuzaka, Masashi; Kitagawa, Yoshimasa | Analgesic effects of indomethacin spray on drug-induced oral mucositis pain in patients with cancer: A single-arm cross-sectional study | - | Special care in dentistry | - | 18-Mar-2021 |
article | 佐藤, 淳; 村井, 知佳; 阿部, 貴洋; 秦, 浩信; 山崎, 裕; 北村, 哲也; 進藤, 正信; 北川, 善政 | FMISO-PETによる口腔扁平上皮癌の低酸素状態(hypoxia)の臨床的意義 | Clinical importance of hypoxia condition of oral squamous cell carcinoma evaluated by FMISO-PET | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Sep-2012 |
article | Hata, Hironobu; Kitao, Tomoka; Sato, Jun; Asaka, Takuya; Imamachi, Kenji; Miyakoshi, Masaaki; Hirata, Kenji; Magota, Keiichi; Munakata, Yamato; Shiga, Tohru; Yamazaki, Yutaka; Kitagawa, Yoshimasa | Quantitative bone single photon emission computed tomography analysis of the effects of duration of bisphosphonate administration on the parietal bone | - | Scientific reports | - | 15-Oct-2020 |
article | 竹内, 康人; 山崎, 裕; 村田, 翼; 佐藤, 淳; 大内, 学; 秦, 浩信; 北川, 善政 | パロキセチンとロフラゼプ酸エチルが奏効した心因性味覚障害の検討 | Clinical study of psychosomatic taste disorders successfully treated with paroxetine and ethyl loflazepate | 北海道歯学雑誌 | Hokkaido journal of dental science | 15-Dec-2010 |
article | 村田, 翼; 和田, 麻友美; 山崎, 裕; 佐藤, 淳; 浅香, 拓哉; 秦, 浩信; 北田, 秀昭; 北川, 善政 | 口腔内病変を初発症状とした水疱性扁平苔癬の1例 | - | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Mar-2014 |
article | 和田, 麻友美; 山崎, 裕; 村井, 知佳; 中村, 裕介; 佐藤, 淳; 秦, 浩信; 北川, 善政 | 最近当科で経験した非定型歯痛症例の臨床的検討 | - | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Mar-2014 |
article | 加藤, 卓己; 山崎, 裕; 佐藤, 淳; 秦, 浩信; 大内, 学; 守屋, 信吾; 北川, 善政 | 在宅自立高齢者における口腔カンジダ菌の保菌状態に関する再調査 | Reinvestigation of the carriage of Candida species in oral cavities of home-independent elderly | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Mar-2013 |
article | 後藤, 隼; 山崎, 裕; 佐藤, 淳; 秦, 浩信; 大内, 学; 守屋, 信吾; 北川, 善政 | 在宅自立高齢者における口腔カンジダ菌の保菌状態に関する調査 | Research on carriage of Candida species in oral cavities of the home-independent elderly | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Mar-2012 |
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9