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article王, 鄢; 朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦中国蘇南農村における高齢者の生活と老親扶義の性格 : 開弦弓村を事例にPositioning of Elderly People's Life in Inter-generational Relations and Characteristics of Old-age Family Support in Sunan Rural Area, China : A Case Study of Kaixiangong Villageフロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics31-Mar-2021
article朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦中国海南島における少数民族集落の職工農家の就業構造 : 国有南浜農場の黎族集落を対象としてEmployment Structure of Worker-Househoids in Ethnic Minority Villages on Hainan Island, China : A Case of Ethnic Li Minority in Nanbin State Farmフロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economic31-Mar-2020
articlePark, Hong; Deng, KentThe Privatisation of Rural Industry and Retainment of Village Workers in China : The Case of Southern Jiangsu-フロンティア農業経済研究The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics31-Mar-2019
bulletin (article)李, 香美; 金, 東煥; 高, 鐘泰; 朴, 紅韓国における果樹農家の組織化に関する考察A study of producers cooperatives for fruit-farm households in South Korea北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2017
bulletin (article)坂下, 明彦; 申, 錬鐵; 朴, 紅; 松木, 靖; 禹, 暎均韓国における高原野菜産地の特質 : 太白市の白菜団地を対象にThe characteristics of highland vegetable production areas in Korea : Targeting Chinese cabbages grown in Taebaek-si北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2017
article李, 雪蓮; 朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦中国東北地方における朝鮮族出稼ぎによる集落の農地移動調整Farmland adjustment due to migration of ethnic Koreans in Northeast Chinaフロンティア農業経済研究-30-Apr-2016
articlePark, Hong; Gao, Hui Chen; Sakashita, AkihikoFormation of Organic Rice Production Areas and Specialized Farmers Cooperatives in Northeast China : A Case Study of Wuchang City-フロンティア農業経済研究-30-Apr-2016
article朴, 紅中国三江平原における国有農場の米加工販売と民営米業の展開 : 建三江分局の事例Development of Rice Production and Marketing at State Farm and Private Rice Enterprises in the Sanjiang Plain of China : A case study of JianSanjiang Administrative Bureauフロンティア農業経済研究-31-Oct-2015
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦蘇南地域における郷村企業の発展・衰退と農村リーダーの変化 : 江村の追跡調査 (8)Development and decline of township-village enterprises and change of rural leadership in the Sunan area of China : follow-up research on Kaixiangong village (8)北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University1-Apr-2014
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦大規模稲作地帯の形成と精米企業展開の特質 : 中国黒龍江省八五四農場を対象にFormation of Large-Scale Rice Cultivation Areas and Characteristics of Rice-Milling Companies : A Case Study of State Farm 854 in Heilongjiang Province, China北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University1-Apr-2013
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦; 姚, 富坤蘇南地域における農村企業の展開と出稼ぎ労働者 : 江村の追跡調査(7)Development of rural enterprises and migrant workers in south Jiangsu Province -Jiang village follow-up study (7)-北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2012
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦; 姚, 富坤蘇南地域における農村工業の転換と雇用吸収力 : 江村の追跡調査(6)Transformation of rural industry and the employment absorption capacity of south Jiangsu province -Jiang village follow-up study (6)-北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2012
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 張, 錦女; 笪, 志剛; 坂下, 明彦中国三江平原における稲作経営の展開と機械化 : 新華農場第17生産隊の事例(その1)Development and Mechanization of Paddy Fields Agriculture at Sanjiang Plain, China : Case study 1: Xinhua State Farm Production Group No.17北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2009
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 張, 錦女; 笪, 志剛; 坂下, 明彦中国三江平原における稲作経営の労働過程と農家経済 : 新華農場第17生産隊の事例(その2)Labor Process and Farm Economy of Rice Production at Sanjiang Plain, China : Case study 2: Xinhua State Farm Production Group No.17北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2009
bulletin (article)兪, 賛周; 糸山, 健介; 朴, 紅韓国における稲作農家の経営者能力と経営成果への影響The Estimate of the Farm Managerial Ability on the Rice Farmer in Korea北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University31-Mar-2009
bulletin (article)坂下, 明彦; 朴, 紅中国輸出向け野菜加工企業における農場依存型集荷方式の展開 : 山東省青島地域の食品企業の事例分析 (5) 北海食品Development of the farm-based type procurement system of vegetable processing and exporting firms in China : A case study of a food processing company in Shangdong province (5) Beihai Shipin北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University10-Jun-2008
bulletin (article)朴, 紅; 坂下, 明彦; 市来, 正光中国蘇南地域の農村工業化と就業構造 : 江村の追跡調査 (2)The industrialization of agricultural villages and the employment structure in the Sunan area of China : A follow-up research of Kaixiangong village (2)北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University24-Mar-2006
bulletin (article)坂下, 明彦; 朴, 紅; 市来, 正光中国蘇南地域における農業生産システムの変化と土地問題 : 江村の追跡調査 (1)The change of agricultural production system and Land Problems in the Sunan area of China : A follow-up research of Kaixiangong village (1)北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University24-Mar-2006
bulletin (article)朴, 紅中国国有農場における企業改革の進展と農場機能の変化 : 二九一農場を事例としてThe actual state of enterprise reforms and the change of management of Individual Farmhouses in the National Farm of China : A case study of "291 Farm"北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University24-Mar-2006
bulletin (article)金, 玉善; 山本, 美穂; 朴, 紅中国国有林における地域社会と集団多角経営の現段階 : 吉林省白河林業局を事例にPresent stage of community sustainability and group multiple management of Chinese national forest : A case study of Baihe forest district in Jilin province北海道大学農經論叢The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University24-Mar-2006
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