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article (author version)Tanaka, Junichi; Takashima, Toshiyuki; Yoshimi, Kenji; Serizawa, Koji; Narita, ToshioDevelopment of Micro-structured Sn-2Ag-0.1Al Solder with Highly THermal Fatigue Durability-Electronics Goes Green 2004+ (EGG 2004) September 6-8, 2004, Berlin, Germany.-Sep-2004
article (author version)田中, 順一; 鈴木, 直人; 高島, 敏行; 成田, 敏夫Sn-Ag-Al系合金/Cu接合による界面溶解反応と熱疲労サイクル特性Interfacial Dissolution Reaction and Thermal Fatigue Cycle Property for Sn-Ag-Al Solder Alloy/Cu10th Symposium on Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics-Feb-2004
article (author version)田中, 順一; 鈴木, 直人; 成田, 敏夫Sn-Ag-Al系合金はんだを用いたC-BGA接合の熱疲労特性評価Evaluation of Thermal Fatigue Cycle Property for Solder Joints in C-BGA with Sn-Ag-Al Solder Alloy第14回マイクロエレクトロニクスシンポジウム論文集-Oct-2004
article (author version)鈴木, 直人; 田中, 順一; 成田, 敏夫Sn-Ag系はんだ組織に与える微量添加Alの効果とその接合性に関する研究Study of Effect of Al Addition into Sn-Ag Solder on Microstructure and Bondability11th Symposium on Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics-Feb-2005
article (author version)水野, 宏紀; 鈴木, 直人; 田中, 順一; 成田, 敏夫鉛フリーSn-低In-Al系はんだ組織と熱疲労特性の評価Microstructure and thermal fatigue property assessment for lead free Sn-low In-Al system solder alloy第14回マイクロエレクトロニクスシンポジウム論文集-Oct-2004
bulletin (article)工藤, 昌行; 田中, 順一; 奥山, 浩二郎; 大笹, 憲一酸化物フラックスによる炭素鋼の大過冷却Large Undercooling due to Oxide Flux in Plain Carbon Steel北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University29-Jan-1993
article (author version)水野, 宏紀; 鈴木, 直人; 田中, 順一; 成田, 敏夫微量元素添加によるSn-低In系はんだの組織特性の評価Evaluation of the Microstructure Property of Sn-low-In System11th Symposium on Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics-Feb-2005
article田中, 順一; 小野, 圭介; 林, 重成; 大笹, 憲一; 成田, 敏夫溶融Zn-6mass%Al浴に浸漬した炭素鋼の界面反応挙動に及ぼす炭素濃度の影響Effect of Carbon Content on the Reaction Behavior of Hot Dipped Carbon Steel in Molten Zn-6mass%Al Bath表面技術Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan1-Feb-2002
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University