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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Oouchi, Manabu; Hasebe, Akira; Hata, Hironobu; Segawa, Taku; Yamazaki, Yutaka; Yoshida, Yasuhiro; Kitagawa, Yoshimasa; Shibata, Ken-ichiroAge-related alteration of expression and function of TLRs and NK activity in oral candidiasis-Oral diseases-Jul-2015
articleHasebe, Akira; Ishikawa, Isao; Shamsul, Haque M; Ohtani, Makoto; Segawa, Taku; Saeki, Ayumi; Tanizume, Naoho; Oouchi, Manabu; Okagami, Yoshihide; Okano, Teruo; Shibata, Ken-ichiroMycoplasma Removal from Cell Culture Using Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy-Photomedicine and Laser Surgery-Mar-2013
article竹内, 康人; 山崎, 裕; 村田, 翼; 佐藤, 淳; 大内, 学; 秦, 浩信; 北川, 善政パロキセチンとロフラゼプ酸エチルが奏効した心因性味覚障害の検討Clinical study of psychosomatic taste disorders successfully treated with paroxetine and ethyl loflazepate北海道歯学雑誌Hokkaido journal of dental science15-Dec-2010
article坂田, 健一郎; 山崎, 裕; 大内, 学; 亀崎, 良助; 佐藤, 嘉晃; 後藤, まりえ; 久本, 芽璃; 飯田, 順一郎; 横山, 敦郎; 北川, 善政義歯に定着したカンジダに対する3室ダブルイン型電解機能水 (高還元水,高酸化水)の除菌効果Assessment of Candida species colonization on denture surface -the effect of denture cleaning with 3-chamber type Electrolysis Cell water (high regenerated water and high oxidized water)-北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2013
article加藤, 卓己; 山崎, 裕; 佐藤, 淳; 秦, 浩信; 大内, 学; 守屋, 信吾; 北川, 善政在宅自立高齢者における口腔カンジダ菌の保菌状態に関する再調査Reinvestigation of the carriage of Candida species in oral cavities of home-independent elderly北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2013
article後藤, 隼; 山崎, 裕; 佐藤, 淳; 秦, 浩信; 大内, 学; 守屋, 信吾; 北川, 善政在宅自立高齢者における口腔カンジダ菌の保菌状態に関する調査Research on carriage of Candida species in oral cavities of the home-independent elderly北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2012
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


Hokkaido University