Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | Sasaki, Michihito; Anindita, Paulina D; Phongphaew, Wallaya; Carr, Michael; Kobayashi, Shintaro; Orba, Yasuko; Sawa, Hirofumi | Development of a rapid and quantitative method for the analysis of viral entry and release using a NanoLuc luciferase complementation assay | - | Virus research | - | 23-Oct-2017 |
article | Anindita, Paulina D; Sasaki, Michihito; Gonzalez, Gabriel; Phongphaew, Wallaya; Carr, Michael; Hang'ombe, Bernard M; Mweene, Aaron S; Ito, Kimihito; Orba, Yasuko; Sawa, Hirofumi | Discovery and genetic characterization of diverse smacoviruses in Zambian non-human primates. | - | Scientific reports | - | 8-Apr-2019 |
article (author version) | Torii, Shiho; Orba, Yasuko; Hang'ombe, Bernard M.; Mweene, Aaron S.; Wada, Yuji; Anindita, Paulina D.; Phongphaew, Wallaya; Qiu, Yongjin; Kajihara, Masahiro; Mori-Kajihara, Akina; Eto, Yoshiki; Harima, Hayato; Sasaki, Michihito; Carr, Michael; Hall, William W.; Eshita, Yuki; Abe, Takashi; Sawa, Hirofumi | Discovery of Mwinilunga alphavirus : A novel alphavirus in Culex mosquitoes in Zambia | - | Virus Research | - | 2-May-2018 |
article (author version) | Kobayashi, Shintaro; Suzuki, Tadaki; Kawaguchi, Akira; Phongphaew, Wallaya; Yoshii, Kentaro; Iwano, Tomohiko; Harada, Akihiro; Kariwa, Hiroaki; Orba, Yasuko; Sawa, Hirofumi | Rab8b Regulates Transport of West Nile Virus Particles from Recycling Endosomes | - | Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) | - | 18-Mar-2016 |
article (author version) | Phongphaew, Wallaya; Kobayashi, Shintaro; Sasaki, Michihito; Carr, Michael; Hall, William W.; Orba, Yasuko; Sawa, Hirofumi | Valosin-containing protein (VCP/p97) plays a role in the replication of West Nile virus | - | Virus Research | - | 15-Jan-2017 |
theses (doctoral) | Phongphaew, Wallaya | The valosin-containing protein is implicated in West Nile virus replication and an examination of the pathogenicity of novel WNV strain isolated in Zambia | ウエストナイルウイルスの複製に関与するバロシン含有タンパク質に関する研究とザンビアで単離されたウエストナイルウイルスの病原性の検索 | - | - | 22-Mar-2018 |
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review) | Phongphaew, Wallaya | The valosin-containing protein is implicated in West Nile virus replication and an examination of the pathogenicity of novel WNV strain isolated in Zambia [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review] | ウエストナイルウイルスの複製に関与するバロシン含有タンパク質に関する研究とザンビアで単離されたウエストナイルウイルスの病原性の検索 [論文内容及び審査の要旨] | - | - | 22-Mar-2018 |
article | Kobayashi, Shintaro; Yoshii, Kentaro; Phongphaew, Wallaya; Muto, Memi; Hirano, Minato; Orba, Yasuko; Sawa, Hirofumi; Kariwa, Hiroaki | West Nile virus capsid protein inhibits autophagy by AMP-activated protein kinase degradation in neurological disease development | - | PLoS pathogens | - | Jan-2020 |
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8