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bulletin (article)揚妻, 直樹; 小西, 富美代熊野地方・古座川流域最奥部の平井集落に伝わる屋号House names in the Hirai Village in the Kumano Region, Japan.北海道大学演習林研究報告Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University ForestsMay-2019
bulletin (article)揚妻, 直樹; 岸田, 治; 油田, 照秋; 揚妻, 芳美熊野地方・古座川流域におけるニホンミツバチ伝統的養蜂の現状Present Situation of Traditional Apiculture (Beekeeping) in the Kozagawa Basin, in the Kumano Region of Japan北海道大学演習林研究報告Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University ForestsMay-2019
article (author version)揚妻, 直樹神社合祀に反対する博物学者としての熊楠の視点-熊楠worksKumagusu works1-Apr-2019
article (author version)Agetsuma, Naoki; Agetsuma-Yanagihara, Yoshimi; Takafumi, Hino; Nakaji, TatsuroPlant constituents affecting food selection by sika deer-Journal of wildlife management-21-Mar-2019
articleAgetsuma, NaokiA simple method for calculating minimum estimates of previous population sizes of wildlife from hunting records-PLOS ONE-12-Jun-2018
article (author version)揚妻, 直樹; 揚妻-柳原, 芳美シカの高密度生息地で観察された土石流後の植生回復 : 屋久島西部照葉樹林での事例Regeneration of natural vegetation under high sika deer density after a mudslide in a warm temperate evergreen forest in Yakushima, Japan保全生態学研究-2018
article (author version)Agetsuma-Yanagihara, Yoshimi; Inoue, Eiji; Agetsuma, NaokiEffects of time and environmental conditions on the quality of DNA extracted from fecal samples for genotyping of wild deer in a warm temperate broad-leaved forest-Mammal Research-Apr-2017
article (author version)Agetsuma, Naoki; Koda, Ryosuke; Tsujino, Riyou; Agetsuma-Yanagihara, YoshimiImpact of anthropogenic disturbance on the density and activity pattern of deer evaluated with respect to spatial scale-dependency-Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)間宮, 渉; 金子, 潔; 揚妻, 直樹; 芦谷, 大太郎; 久保田, 省悟; 鈴木, 清士; 前田, 昌作; 土井, 一夫; 大西, 一弘; 前田, 純和歌山研究林における長期観察林の現況とこれからCurrent status and future prospects of Long-term observation forests in Wakayama Experimental Forest北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
article (author version)Agetsuma, Naoki; Koda, Ryosuke; Tsujino, Riyou; Agetsuma-Yanagihara, YoshimiEffective spatial scales for evaluating environmental determinants of population density in Yakushima macaques-American Journal of Primatology-Feb-2015
article (author version)Ohta, Tamihisa; Niwa, Shigeru; Agetsuma, Naoki; Hiura, TsutomCalcium concentration in leaf litter alters the community composition of soil invertebrates in warm-temperate forests-Pedobiologia-Nov-2014
bulletin (article)金子, 潔; 揚妻, 直樹和歌山研究林に関する実習の現状と展望 : 技術系職員の実習への関わり方The status quo and prospects of field exercise programs in Wakayama Experimental Forest : The roles of technical staffs北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests25-Feb-2014
article (author version)揚妻, 直樹シカの異常増加を考えるAre deer populations increasing abnormally?生物科学-1-Nov-2013
article (author version)揚妻, 直樹野生シカによる農業被害と生態系改変 : 異なる二つの問題の考え方Differences between measures for crop damage by deer and nature conservation生物科学-1-Nov-2013
article (author version)Kazahari, N.; Tsuji, Y.; Agetsuma, N.The relationships between feeding-group size and feeding rate vary from positive to negative with characteristics of food items in wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)-Behaviour-2013
article (author version)湯崎, 真梨子; 揚妻, 直樹; 塚田, 晃司; 中島, 敦司災害時孤立集落の「不安」と「安心」の要因 : 台風12号における高齢山村-日本地域政策研究-2013
article (author version)揚妻, 直樹野生シカに対する順応的管理のための戦略的スキームStrategic schema for the adaptive management of wild deer保全生態学研究Japanese journal of conservation ecologyMay-2012
bulletin (article)Agetsuma, Naoki; Agetsuma-Yanagihara, Yoshimi; Takafumi, HinoAutumn Long-distance Movements of Male Japanese Sika deer Cervus nippon yesoensis in Western Hokkaido, Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Aug-2011
article (author version)Agetsuma, Naoki; Agetsuma-Yanagihara, Yoshimi; Takafumi, HinoFood habits of Japanese deer in an evergreen forest : Litter-feeding deer-Mammalian Biology : Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde-Mar-2011
articleFukui, Dai; Agetsuma, NaokiSeasonal change in the diet composition of the Asian parti-coloured bat Vespertilio sinensis-Mammal Study-Dec-2010
Showing results 1 to 20 of 39
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Hokkaido University