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bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 生方, 信; 佐野, 雄三; 市川, 一; 藤戸, 永志; 上浦, 達哉; 門松, 昌彦; 渡邊, 陽子; 佐藤, 冬樹文科省SSHプロジェクトへの貢献 : 札幌実験苗畑の事例A contribution to SSH project of MEXT with use of the Sapporo Experimental Nursery北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 菅井, 徹人; 渡部, 敏裕; 市川, 一; 藤戸, 永志; 佐々木, 圭子; 曲, 来葉; 渡辺, 誠; 荒川, 圭太; 山﨑, 友紀; 佐藤, 冬樹都市生態系へのオゾン汚染の影響:実験的研究によるJSTへのとり組みUrban ecology under Ozone pollution: an experimental approach with a Free-Air Controlled Elevated (FACE) O3 system supported by the JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency)北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University ForestsDec-2019
bulletin (article)柴田, 英昭; 青栁, 陽子; 石川, 尚子; 小宮, 圭示; 杉下, 義幸; 佐藤, 冬樹; 池上, 佳志; 笹, 賀一郎; 上田, 宏; 傳法, 隆天塩川流域における環境変化と水棲生物群集の関係 : 森から海への研究を目指してEnvironmental changes affecting the aquatic plants-animal community along the Teshio River basin : towards an analysis of the linkage between forests and the environment of seacoast北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests31-Oct-2004
bulletin (article)早柏, 慎太郎; 木下, 惠二郎; 佐藤, 冬樹; 野村, 睦泥川流域における水循環・物質循環のモニタリング : 森林伐採の影響についてA study of long-term monitoring of water and nutrient cycling at the watershed of Dorokawa river : an estimation of nutrient pools in the watershed after forest harvesting北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests30-Nov-2006
bulletin (article)藤戸, 永志; 佐藤, 冬樹; 笹, 賀一郎; 杉下, 義幸; 小宮, 圭示; 竹田, 哲二; 青栁, 陽子; 高橋, 廣行; 野村, 睦; 高木, 健太郎中国東北部カラマツ林地帯(大興安嶺)における調査の概要 : 日中共同研究の現況報告The outline of Larix leptolepis Gordon forests and field monitoring in northeastern China (Da Hinggan Ling)北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests30-Nov-2007
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 星加, 康智; 玉井, 裕; 高木, 健太郎; 市川, 一; 門松, 昌彦; 佐藤, 冬樹対流圏オゾンの森林への影響評価に関する研究概要 : 札幌実験苗畑の例Research projects of evaluating the growth of deciduous broad-leaved trees treated with free-air ozone fumigation systems in the Sapporo Experimental Nursery北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)増井, 昇; 谷, 晃; 松浦, 英幸; 渡部, 敏裕; 藤戸, 永志; 佐々木, 圭子; 佐藤, 冬樹; 高木, 健太郎; アガトクレオス, エフゲニオス; 小池, 孝良多樹種の生物起源揮発性有機炭素(BVOC)の計測と植食性昆虫の動態解明Measurement of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs)and dynamics of insect herbivories北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University ForestsNov-2021
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 江口, 則和; 渡部, 敏裕; 市川, 一; 藤戸, 永志; 曲, 来葉; 渡辺, 誠; 渡邊, 陽子; アガトクレオス, エフゲニオス; 石, 聡; 北尾, 光俊; 高木, 健太郎; 日浦, 勉; 里村, 多賀美; 半, 智史; 船田, 良; 山﨑, 友紀; 佐藤, 冬樹生産環境変化が樹林地の動態に与える広域影響評価 : 開放系CO2とO3の付加実験施設での成果からBrief experimental history of evaluation of the environmental environment (elevated CO2 and O3) on urban and suburb trees with use of a mini-FACE and flux monitoring towers北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University ForestsDec-2019
bulletin (article)遠藤, 郁子; 柴田, 英昭; 小宮, 圭示; 高畠, 守; 佐々木, 倫子; 石川, 尚子; 佐藤, 冬樹人間活動が河川水質に及ぼす影響 : 天塩川プロジェクトEffect of human activities on river water quality : Teshio river project北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests14-Nov-2008
bulletin (article)増井, 昇; 菅井, 徹人; 渡邊, 陽子; 渡部, 敏裕; 塩尻, かおり; 佐々木, 圭子; 藤戸, 永司; 荒川, 圭太; 佐藤, 冬樹; 小池, 孝良高オゾン環境下でのヤマナラシ属2種の成長と病虫害の観察 : 中間報告Interim report on activities of insect herbivore and disease in two species of poplar grown under elevated O3.北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University ForestsJan-2021
bulletin (article)守田, 英明; 金子, 潔; 佐藤, 剛史; 照井, 勝己; 佐藤, 冬樹; 高畠, 守; 小宮, 圭示; 遠藤, 郁子琴平川におけるシロサケ放流事業についてIntroduction of chum salmon into Kotohira Creek, a tributary of Teshio River北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests14-Nov-2008
bulletin (article)増井, 昇; 北岡, 哲; 渡邊, 陽子; 渡部, 敏裕; 藤戸, 永志; 佐々木, 圭子; 佐藤, 冬樹; アガトクレオス, エフゲニオス; 小池, 孝良開放系オゾン付加施設で生育させたハコヤナギ属2樹種の病虫害と成長の季節変化 : 2021年の事例Seasonal change in outbreak of disease, insect grazing and growth in two species of Poplar cuttings raised under a free-air Ozone fumigation : a case of 2021北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2022
bulletin (article)小池, 孝良; 渡辺, 誠; 渡邊, 陽子; 船田, 良; 佐野, 雄三; 高木, 健太郎; 日浦, 勉; 笹, 賀一郎; 佐藤, 冬樹開放系CO2増加実験(FACE:Free Air CO2 Enrichment)による森林樹木への高濃度CO2の影響評価:札幌実験苗畑の例(2002-2013)Evaluation of responses of deciduous broad-leaved trees to elevated CO2 with a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system : an example of Sapporo Experimental Nursery (YY02-13)北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests23-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)鷹西, 俊和; 佐藤, 冬樹; 藤戸, 永志; 市川, 一; 笹原, 敏幸; 原, 臣史; 柴田, 英昭雨龍地方演習林における酸性降下物の長期観測Long-term monitoring of acid deposition at the Uryu Experiment Forests北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests29-Oct-1999
bulletin (article)吉田, 俊也; 小宮, 圭示; 笹, 賀一郎; 佐藤, 冬樹; 上浦, 達哉; 小塚, 力; 鷹西, 俊和; 寺沢, 実; 小林, 真ロシア極東・アムール州における山火事後の森林再生 : 極東農科大学との共同研究Forest restoration after fire in Russian Far East : a collaboration research with Far East State Agricultural University北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests30-Nov-2007
bulletin (article)野村, 睦; 笹, 賀一郎; 佐藤, 冬樹; 柴田, 英昭; 植村, 滋; 藤原, 滉一郎サハリン南部における積雪調査Snow Survey in the Southern Sakhalin, Russia北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University25-Mar-2002
bulletin (article)鷹西, 俊和; 秦, 寛; 佐藤, 冬樹; 吉田, 俊也; 竹田, 哲二; 上浦, 達哉; 阿部, 一宏; 中嶋, 潤子; 大森, 正明; 森田, 俊雄; 高橋, 廣行クマイザサが優先する林地での北海道和種馬放牧試験Pasturage experiment for Japanese horse indigenous to Hokkaido in relation to a forest dominated by dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis)北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests29-Nov-2002
bulletin (article)Agathokleous, Evgenios; Saitanis J, Costas; Satoh, Fuyuki; Koike, TakayoshiWild plant species as subjects in O₃ research-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Dec-2015
bulletin (article)KAYAMA, Masazumi; CHOI, Dongsu; SASA, Kaichiro; SATOH, Fuyuki; NOMURA, Mutsumi; KOIKE, TakayoshiA Trial for Reforestation After Forest Fires with Sakhalin Spruce in the Northern Most Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Mar-2007
article (author version)Fukuzawa, Karibu; Shibata, Hideaki; Takagi, Kentaro; Satoh, Fuyuki; Koike, Takayoshi; Sasa, KaichiroTemporal variation in fine-root biomass, production and mortality in a cool temperate forest covered with dense understory vegetation in northern Japan-Forest Ecology and Management-15-Dec-2013
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Hokkaido University