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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Shu, Yue; Ota, Masayoshi; Kato, HiromichiAnalyzing trends in bullying victimization from 2017 to 2022 : Focusing on the variations in occurrence frequencies-子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development10-Jun-2024
bulletin (article)安, 明希; 鈴木, 修斗; 加藤, 弘通貧困と子どもの抑うつの調整要因 : 子どもの「暮らし向きの認知」の性差に注目してExploring the moderating factor between poverty and children’s depression : Gender differences in children’s perception of their household income子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2024
bulletin (article)鈴木, 修斗; 加藤, 弘通中学生における仲間集団の排他性に関する尺度作成の試み : 仲間を外に離さない集団規範に着目してAn Attempt to Develop a S cale for Peer Group Exclusivity Among Junior High School Students : Focussing on the Group Norm of Keeping Members Inside of it子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development24-Mar-2023
bulletin (article)鈴木, 修斗; 藤井, 義久; 加藤, 弘通中学生におけるメンタルヘルスの問題と学校生活で求める支援との関連性Association between mental health problems of junior high school students and the support they need in school life子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2022
bulletin (article)村井, 史香; 梅村, 拓未; 鈴木, 育美; 鈴木, 修斗; 渡邉, 仁; 加藤, 弘通高校生における「書く」「聞く」「話す」「読む」ことへの苦手意識に関する研究 : 学習動機づけ・学校享受感との関連の検討  A Study on the Difficulties for 4 L anguage Skills in High School Students Relationships between 4 L anguage Skills, Academic Motivation, and School Enjoyment子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2022
bulletin (article)加藤, 弘通; 高橋, 陸斗; 濤岡, 優小・中学生の学校・家庭・自己に対する意識の変化 : 札幌市の過去5年間の子どもの変化-子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2021
bulletin (article)村井, 史香; 岡本, 祐子; 太田, 正義; 加藤, 弘通中学生・大学生の“自認するキャラ”を介した友人関係とセルフ・モニタリングとの関連Relationship between friendship with self-acknowledged Kyara and self-monitoring in junior high school and university students子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2021
bulletin (article)加藤, 弘通; 高橋, 陸斗; 川原, 里奈小・中学生の生活意識と大人への評価 : 札幌市の小学生・中学生の生活と意識についての調査ⅢThe Survey of current situation of Children in Sapporo from perspectives of school adaption, parent-child relationship, self-esteem and evaluation for adults子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2020
bulletin (article)水野, 君平; 森田, 未希; 加藤, 弘通中学生における教室内の友だちグループ間の地位と進学先への意識の関連性 : 中学3年生を対象とした予備的検討-子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2020
bulletin (article)村井, 史香; 加藤, 弘通高校生を対象とした多元的アイデンティティ尺度の検討Investigating the scale of plural identities for high school students子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2020
bulletin (article)侯, 月江; 太田, 正義; 加藤, 弘通中学生の学年移行期における学校生活享受感と欠席行動との関連Relationships between school enjoyment and absence behavior in the context of transition across grade levels in junior high school北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University27-Jun-2019
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


Hokkaido University