Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | Araki, Atsuko; Bastiaensen, Michiel; Ait Bamai, Yu; Van den Eede, Nele; Kawai, Toshio; Tsuboi, Tazuru; Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Covaci, Adrian; Kishi, Reiko | Associations between allergic symptoms and phosphate flame retardants in dust and their urinary metabolites among school children | Phosphate flame retardants and child allergic symptoms | Environment international | - | Oct-2018 |
article | Kishi, Reiko; Ikeda-Araki, Atsuko; Miyashita, Chihiro; Itoh, Sachiko; Kobayashi, Sumitaka; Ait Bamai, Yu; Yamazaki, Keiko; Tamura, Naomi; Minatoya, Machiko; Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Poudel, Kritika; Miura, Ryu; Masuda, Hideyuki; Itoh, Mariko; Yamaguchi, Takeshi; Fukunaga, Hisanori; Ito, Kumiko; Goudarzi, Houman | Hokkaido birth cohort study on environment and children’s health : cohort profile 2021 | - | Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine | - | 22-May-2021 |
theses (doctoral) | KETEMA, Rahel Mesfin | Human biomonitoring of phthalates and their effect on respiratory and allergic symptoms in Japanese children | フタル酸エステル類のヒトバイオモニタリングおよび呼吸器・アレルギー症状との関連 | - | - | 24-Mar-2022 |
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review) | KETEMA, Rahel Mesfin | Human biomonitoring of phthalates and their effect on respiratory and allergic symptoms in Japanese children [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review] | フタル酸エステル類のヒトバイオモニタリングおよび呼吸器・アレルギー症状との関連 [論文内容及び審査の要旨] | - | - | 24-Mar-2022 |
article (author version) | Kishi, Reiko; Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Ait Bamai, Yu; Araki, Atsuko; Kawai, Toshio; Tsuboi, Tazuru; Saito, Ikue; Yoshioka, Eiji; Saito, Takeshi | Indoor environmental pollutants and their association with sick house syndrome among adults and children in elementary school | - | Building and environment | - | 15-May-2018 |
article | Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Araki, Atsuko; Ait Bamai, Yu; Saito, Takeshi; Kishi, Reiko | Lifestyle behaviors and home and school environment in association with sick building syndrome among elementary school children : a cross-sectional study | - | Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine | - | 11-Jul-2020 |
article (author version) | Yamasaki, Shojiro; Tomihara, Tomomi; Kimura, Goh; Ueno, Yukako; Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Sato, Shin; Mukai, Yuuka; Sikder, Tajuddin; Kurasaki, Masaaki; Hosokawa, Toshiyuki; Saito, Takeshi | Long-term effects of maternal resveratrol intake during lactation on cholesterol metabolism in male rat offspring | - | International journal of food sciences and nutrition | - | 10-Jul-2019 |
article | Yamasaki, Shojiro; Kimura, Goh; Koizumi, Kazunari; Dai, Ning; Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Tomihara, Tomomi; Ueno, Yukako; Ohno, Yuki; Sato, Shin; Kurasaki, Masaaki; Hosokawa, Toshiyuki; Saito, Takeshi | Maternal green tea extract intake during lactation attenuates hepatic lipid accumulation in adult male rats exposed to a continuous high-fat diet from the foetal period | - | Food & Nutrition Research | - | 5-Oct-2020 |
article | Ringbeck, Benedikt; Bury, Daniel; Ikeda-Araki, Atsuko; Ait Bamai, Yu; Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Miyashita, Chihiro; Brüning, Thomas; Kishi, Reiko; Koch, Holger M. | Nonylphenol exposure in 7-year-old Japanese children between 2012 and 2017– Estimation of daily intakes based on novel urinary metabolites | - | Environment International | - | Mar-2022 |
article | Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Bamai, Yu Ait; Miyashita, Chihiro; Saito, Takeshi; Kishi, Reiko; Ikeda-Araki, Atsuko | Phthalates mixture on allergies and oxidative stress biomarkers among children : The Hokkaido study | - | Environment international | - | Feb-2022 |
article (author version) | Ketema, Rahel Mesfin; Bamai, Yu Ait; Ikeda-Araki, Atsuko; Saito, Takeshi; Kishi, Reiko | Secular trends of urinary phthalate metabolites in 7-year old children and association with building characteristics : Hokkaido study on environment and children's health | - | International journal of hygiene and environmental health | - | May-2021 |
article (author version) | 荒木, 敦子; アイツバマイ, ゆふ; ケテマ, ラヘル メスフィン; 岸, 玲子 | 室内環境中のハウスダストによる健康影響 | House dust and its adverse health effects | 日本衛生学雑誌 | Japanese Journal of Hygiene | 31-May-2018 |
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12