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article加藤, 結香; 吉村, 善隆; 上村, 光太郎; 南川, 元; 鈴木, 邦明; 飯田, 順一郎間歇的な機械的刺激は RAW264.7 細胞において破骨細胞分化を抑制するSuppression of Osteoclast Differentiation with Intermittent MechanicalStress in RAW264.7 Cells北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2019
article宮上, 雄希; 吉村, 善隆; 南川, 元; 鈴木, 邦明; 飯田, 順一郎圧縮力は培養後期における破骨細胞の分化・融合を抑制するCompressive force suppresses osteoclast differentiation and fusion in the late stage of osteoclastogenesis北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2018
article上村, 光太郎; 吉村, 善隆; 南川, 元; 鈴木, 邦明; 飯田, 順一郎持続的な機械的刺激はRAW264.7細胞における破骨細胞分化を抑制するContinuous mechanical stress suppresses osteoclastogenesis in RAW264.7 cells北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2018
article西川, 瑛亮; 佐藤, 嘉晃; 正満, 健斗; 工藤, 悠介; 山本, 隆昭; 飯田, 順一郎糖尿病モデル動物における間歇的圧刺激による微小血管の形態変化Changes of microvascular reactions induced by intermittent mechanical pressure in diabetic hamsters北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2018
articleIida, Junichiro; Kaneko, Tomoo; Nakanishi (Ohtsuka), Mai; Yoshizawa, Saori; Yamamoto, Takaaki; Sato, YoshiakiLip incompetence and myofunctional therapy-北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2017
articleLuppanapornlarp, Suwannee; Iida, JunichiroOrthodontic force, tooth movement, and interleukin-1β-北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2017
article (author version)Kakutani, Hitomi; Sato, Yoshiaki; Tsukamoto-Takakusagi, Yuri; Saito, Fumio; Oyama, Akihiko; Iida, JunichiroEvaluation of the maxillofacial morphological characteristics of Apert syndrome infantsmaxillofacial features of Apert syndromeCongenital Anomalies-Jan-2017
articleIkeda, Masaaki; Yoshimura, Yoshitaka; Kikuiri, Takashi; Matsuno, Mino; Hasegawa, Tomokazu; Fukushima, Kumu; Hayakawa, Takako; Minamikawa, Hajime; Suzuki, Kuniaki; Iida, JunichiroRelease from optimal compressive force suppresses osteoclast differentiation-Molecular medicine reports-Nov-2016
article (author version)Yoshizawa, Saori; Ohtsuka, Mai; Kaneko, Tomoo; Iida, JunichiroStudy of training for improving lip incompetence-Orthodontic waves-Sep-2016
article (author version)Mutoh, Mami; Kimura, Shunsuke; Takahashi-Iwanaga, Hiromi; Hisamoto, Meri; Iwanaga, Toshihiko; Iida, JunichiroRANKL regulates differentiation of microfold cells in mouse nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT)-Cell and Tissue Research-Apr-2016
article彦根, 敦; 日下部, 豊寿; 佐藤, 嘉晃; 飯田, 順一郎矯正学的歯の移動後の歯槽骨再形成に対する低出力超音波パルスの効果Effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on alveolar bone reformation following orthodontic tooth movement北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2016
article飯田, 順一郎; 金子, 知生; 山本, 隆昭; 佐藤, 嘉晃口唇閉鎖不全の患者に対する対処法についてMethods of training for the patients with lip incompetense北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2016
articleHayakawa, Takako; Yoshimura, Yoshitaka; Kikuiri, Takashi; Matsuno, Mino; Hasegawa, Tomokazu; Fukushima, Kumu; Shibata, Kenjiro; Deyama, Yoshiaki; Suzuki, Kuniaki; Iida, JunichiroOptimal compressive force accelerates osteoclastogenesis in RAW264.7 cells-Molecular medicine reports-Oct-2015
article松村, 馨; 土門, 卓文; 飯田, 順一郎メダカ咽頭歯・咽頭骨にみられる硬組織間接着界面の形態学的特徴Morphological characteristics of adhesion interface between hard tissues in pharyngeal teeth and bone of Japanese medaka北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2015
articleOhmura-Kakutani, Hitomi; Akiyama, Kosuke; Maishi, Nako; Ohga, Noritaka; Hida, Yasuhiro; Kawamoto, Taisuke; Iida, Junichiro; Shindoh, Masanobu; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Shinohara, Nobuo; Hida, KyokoIdentification of Tumor Endothelial Cells with High Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity and a Highly Angiogenic Phenotype-PLOS one-1-Dec-2014
article羽二生, 芽里; 金, 壮律; 佐藤, 嘉明; 飯田, 順一郎三次元立体培養ヒト歯根膜線維芽細胞を用いた最適矯正力に関する検討-北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2014
article坂田, 健一郎; 山崎, 裕; 大内, 学; 亀崎, 良助; 佐藤, 嘉晃; 後藤, まりえ; 久本, 芽璃; 飯田, 順一郎; 横山, 敦郎; 北川, 善政義歯に定着したカンジダに対する3室ダブルイン型電解機能水 (高還元水,高酸化水)の除菌効果Assessment of Candida species colonization on denture surface -the effect of denture cleaning with 3-chamber type Electrolysis Cell water (high regenerated water and high oxidized water)-北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2013
article山方, 秀一; 山本, 隆昭; 金子, 知生; 佐藤, 嘉晃; 飯田, 順一郎新素材のイノベーションがもたらす矯正歯科臨床のパラダイムシフトNovel innovation of materials and the consequent paradigm shift in the orthodontic practices北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2013
articleTangjit, Nathaphon; Kusakabe, Toyohisa; Iida, JunichiroMicrovasculature of Dental Pulp in a Rat Molar in an Occlusal Hypofunctional Condition-北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2013
article福島, 久夢; 吉村, 善隆; 出山, 義昭; 鈴木, 邦明; 飯田, 順一郎圧縮力が破骨細胞分化に与える影響The effect of compressive force on osteoclastogenesis北海道歯学雑誌-Mar-2013
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