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article (author version)Yanase, Takashi; Watanabe, Sho; Uehara, Fumiya; Weng, Mengting; Nagahama, Taro; Shimada, ToshihiroSynthesis of Mo1-xNbxS2 thin films by separate-flow chemical vapor deposition with chloride sources-Thin solid films-1-Mar-2018
article (author version)Yanase, Takashi; Uwabe, Hiroaki; Hasegawa, Koki; Nagahama, Taro; Yamaguchi, Makoto; Shimada, ToshihiroSemitransparent conductive carbon films synthesized by sintering spin-coated sp(3)-based network polymer-Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)-Mar-2018
articleTakahashi, Nozomi; Huminiuc, Teodor; Yamamoto, Yuta; Yanase, Takashi; Shimada, Toshihiro; Hirohata, Atsufumi; Nagahama, TaroFabrication of Epitaxial Fe3O4 Film on a Si(111) Substrate-Scientific reports-1-Aug-2017
articleKaiju, Hideo; Nagahama, Taro; Sasaki, Shun; Shimada, Toshihiro; Kitakami, Osamu; Misawa, Takahiro; Fujioka, Masaya; Nishii, Junji; Xiao, GangInverse Tunnel Magnetocapacitance in Fe/Al-oxide/Fe3O4-Scientific reports-1-Jun-2017
articleNagahama, Taro; Matsuda, Yuya; Tate, Kazuya; Kawai, Tomohiro; Takahashi, Nozomi; Hiratani, Shungo; Watanabe, Yusuke; Yanase, Takashi; Shimada, ToshihiroMagnetic properties of epitaxial Fe3O4 films with various crystal orientations and tunnel magnetoresistance effect at room temperature-Applied Physics Letters-8-Sep-2014
articleYONEZAWA, Tetsu; KAWASAKI, Hideya; TARUI, Akira; WATANABE, Takehiro; ARAKAWA, Ryuichi; SHIMADA, Toshihiro; MAFUNE, FumitakaDetailed Investigation on the Possibility of Nanoparticles of Various Metal Elements for Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry-Analytical Sciences-Mar-2009
article池田, 進; 和田, 恭雄; 稲葉, 克彦; 寺嶋, 和夫; 島田, 敏宏; 斉木, 幸一朗有機半導体のグラフォエピタキシーGraphoepitaxy of organic semiconductor日本結晶成長学会誌Journal of the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth2008
articleIkeda, Susumu; Shimada, Toshihiro; Kiguchi, Manabu; Saiki, KoichiroVisualization of induced charge in an organic thin-film transistor by cross-sectional potential mapping-Journal of Applied Physics-1-May-2007
article島田, 敏宏有機分子のエピタキシャル薄膜成長における光励起の影響The effect of photoexcitation during the epitaxial thin film growth of organic molecular materials日本結晶成長学会誌Journal of the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth31-Dec-2005
article島田, 敏宏有機薄膜FETの電子分光Electron Spectroscopy of Organic Thin Film FETs電気学会論文誌CIEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and SystemsJun-2004
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10


Hokkaido University