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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Kataba, Andrew; Botha, Tarryn L.; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Yohannes, Yared B.; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Wepener, Victor; Ishizuka, MayumiAcute exposure to environmentally relevant lead levels induces oxidative stress and neurobehavioral alterations in larval zebrafish (Danio rerio)-Aquatic toxicology-19-Aug-2020
article (author version)Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Morita, Ayuko; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Kawai, Yusuke K.; Watanabe, Kensuke P.; Ishii, Chihiro; Mizukawa, Hazuki; Yohannes, Yared B.; Saito, Keisuke; Watanabe, Yukiko; Ito, Masaki; Ohsawa, Natsuo; Ishizuka, MayumiAvian interspecific differences in VKOR activity and inhibition: Insights from amino acid sequence and mRNA expression ratio of VKORC1 and VKORC1L1-Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part C: Toxicology & pharmacology-Feb-2020
article (author version)Yohannes, Yared B.; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Saengtienchai, Aksorn; Watanabe, Kensuke P.; Nakayam, Shouta M. M.; Ishizuka, MayumiConcentrations and human health risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides in edible fish species from a Rift Valley lake-Lake Ziway, Ethiopia-Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety-Aug-2014
article (author version)Yabe, John; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Nakata, Hokuto; Toyomaki, Haruya; Yohannes, Yared B.; Muzandu, Kaampwe; Kataba, Andrew; Zyambo, Golden; Hiwatari, Masato; Narita, Daiju; Yamada, Daichi; Hangoma, Peter; Munyinda, Nosiku Sipilanyambe; Mufune, Tiza; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Choongo, Kennedy; Ishizuka, MayumiCurrent trends of blood lead levels, distribution patterns and exposure variations among household members in Kabwe, Zambia-Chemosphere-1-Mar-2020
article (author version)Yohannes, Yared B.; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Yabe, John; Toyomaki, Haruya; Kataba, Andrew; Nakata, Hokuto; Muzandu, Kaampwe; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Choongo, Kennedy; Ishizuka, MayumiDelta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) genes polymorphisms in children residing in an abandoned lead-zinc mine area in Kabwe, Zambia-Meta gene-Feb-2021
article (author version)Kataba, Andrew; Botha, Tarryn L.; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Yohannes, Yared B.; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Wepener, Victor; Ishizuka, MayumiEnvironmentally relevant lead (Pb) water concentration induce toxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae-Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part C: Toxicology & pharmacology-1-Feb-2022
articleThompson, Lesa A.; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Darwish, Wageh S.; Yohannes, Yared B.; van Vuren, Johan J.; Wepener, Victor; Smit, Nico J.; Assefa, Atnafu G.; Tharwat, Ahmed; Eldin, Walaa Fathy Saad; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Mizukawa, Hazuki; Ishizuka, MayumiInvestigation of mRNA expression changes associated with field exposure to DDTs in chickens from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa-PLoS ONE-11-Oct-2018
article (author version)Doya, Rio; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Nakata, Hokuto; Toyomaki, Haruya; Yabe, John; Muzandu, Kaampwe; Yohannes, Yared B.; Kataba, Andrew; Zyambo, Golden; Ogawa, Takahiro; Uchida, Yoshitaka; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Ishizuka, MayumiLand Use in Habitats Affects Metal Concentrations in Wild Lizards Around a Former Lead Mining Site-Environmental science & technology-17-Nov-2020
article (author version)Yabe, John; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Yohannes, Yared B.; Bortey-Sam, Nesta; Kabalo, Abel Nketani; Ntapisha, John; Mizukawa, Hazuki; Umemura, Takashi; Ishizuka, MayumiLead and cadmium excretion in feces and urine of children from polluted townships near a lead-zinc mine in Kabwe, Zambia-Chemosphere-Jul-2018
article (author version)Toyomaki, Haruya; Yabe, John; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Yohannes, Yared B.; Muzandu, Kaampwe; Mufune, Tiza; Nakata, Hokuto; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Kuritani, Takeshi; Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro; Choongo, Kennedy; Ishizuka, MayumiLead concentrations and isotope ratios in blood, breastmilk and feces : contribution of both lactation and soil/dust exposure to infants in a lead-Environmental pollution-1-Oct-2021
article (author version)Yabe, John; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Yohannes, Yared B.; Bortey-Sam, Nesta; Oroszlany, Balazs; Muzandu, Kaampwe; Choongo, Kennedy; Kabalo, Abel Nketani; Ntapisha, John; Mweene, Aaron; Umemura, Takashi; Ishizuka, MayumiLead poisoning in children from townships in the vicinity of a lead-zinc mine in Kabwe, Zambia-Chemosphere-Jan-2015
articleNakata, Hokuto; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Oroszlany, Balazs; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Mizukawa, Hazuki; Tanaka, Kazuyuki; Harunari, Tsunehito; Tanikawa, Tsutomu; Darwish, Wageh Sobhy; Yohannes, Yared B.; Saengtienchai, Aksorn; Ishizuka, MayumiMonitoring Lead (Pb) Pollution and Identifying Pb Pollution Sources in Japan Using Stable Pb Isotope Analysis with Kidneys of Wild Rats-International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health-10-Jan-2017
article (author version)Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Nakata, Hokuto; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Yabe, John; Oroszlany, Balazs; Yohannes, Yared B.; Bortey-Sam, Nesta; Muzandu, Kaampwe; Choongo, Kennedy; Kuritani, Takeshi; Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro; Ishizuka, MayumiOne year exposure to Cd- and Pb-contaminated soil causes metal accumulation and alteration of global DNA methylation in rats-Environmental Pollution-Sep-2019
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13


Hokkaido University