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articleYagyu, Kazuyori; Toyomaki, Atsuhito; Hashimoto, Naoki; Shiraishi, Hideaki; Kusumi, Ichiro; Murohashi, HarumitsuApproach to impaired corollary discharge in patients with schizophrenia : An analysis of self-induced somatosensory evoked potentials and fields-Frontiers in Psychology-17-Aug-2022
bulletin (article)日高, 茂暢; 眞鍋, 優志; 小泉, 雅彦; 室橋, 春光神経発達症の異年齢期交流に見られる関係性の研究 : 旭川LD 親の会ぷりずむの登山キャンプの参与観察からA study of cross-age communication between children and adolescences with neurodevelopmental disorders : participant observation about the climbing camp at Asahikawa LD parentʼs association PURIZUMU子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2019
bulletin (article)渡辺, 隼人; 蒔苗, 詩歌; 室橋, 春光発達障害を持つメンバーとの長期にわたる関わり : 心理的居場所としての「ごぶサタ倶楽部」Long-term interaction between volunteers and members with developmental disabilities : "Gobu-Sata" club as psychological own-space子ども発達臨床研究-15-Mar-2017
bulletin (article)土田, 幸男; 室橋, 春光ワーキングメモリと学習方法の関連性Relationship between working memory and learning method子ども発達臨床研究-15-Mar-2017
bulletin (article)富永, 大悟; 日高, 茂暢; 室橋, 春光発達障害のある青年たちが社会につながるための支援の試みAn attempt of connecting support to society for adolescents with developmental disabilities子ども発達臨床研究-15-Mar-2017
bulletin (article)岩田, みちる; 橋本, 竜作; 柳生, 一自; 山下, 公司; 室橋, 春光; 関, あゆみ語用能力の評価における比喩皮肉文テストの有用性についてUsability of the metaphor and sarcasm scenario test for pragmatic skill evaluation子ども発達臨床研究-31-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)室橋, 春光「学習障害」概念の再検討Reconsideration for the concept of "learning disability"北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要-25-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)室橋, 春光土曜教室活動の意義Significances for activities in "Saturday class"北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要-25-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)岩田, みちる; 下條, 暁司; 橋本, 竜作; 柳生, 一自; 室橋, 春光発達性ディスレクシアにおけるRey複雑図形と文字の書き写しの関連性に関する検討Investigation on the relation between Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test and coping sentences among Dyslexia.子ども発達臨床研究-25-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)岩田, みちる; 草薙, 静江; 橋本, 竜作; 柳生, 一自; 室橋, 春光読み書き困難児に対する指導の一例A Case Study of Early Intervention for Dyslexic Student子ども発達臨床研究-25-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)岩田, みちる; 柳生, 一自; 横山, 里美; 室橋, 春光二次障害を呈した読み困難児に対する包括的支援の重要性The importance of collaboration among school, family and research center to support children with behavioral problems and learning difficulties子ども発達臨床研究-25-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)室橋, 春光読み書きの困難を抱えつつ学びを求める子どもたち : 「読み書きに悩んでいる子どもたち -読み書き困難における問題の所在と支援-」シンポジウムを終えてChildren with difficulties for reading and writing still claim learning for themselves : On the finishing the symposium of "Children who have troubles with reading and writing : for the support and the cause of the difficulties for reading and writing"子ども発達臨床研究-5-Dec-2014
bulletin (article)和田, 義哉; 室橋, 春光算数文章題における絵図の効果The Effect of Picture and Diagram on Arithmetic Word Problem北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要-29-Jun-2012
article (author version)Tsuchida, Yukio; Katayama, Jun'ichi; Murohashi, HarumitsuWorking memory capacity affects the interference control of distractors at auditory gating-Neuroscience Letters-10-May-2012
bulletin (article)水野, 眞佐夫; 近藤, 悠; 室橋, 春光; 大塚, 吉則音楽の拍子の違いが精神的ストレスからの回復に与える効果の比較Effects of Different Components in Music Rhythms on Recovery from Mental Stress北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要-27-Dec-2011
article室橋, 春光発達障害研究と認知科学Studies of developmental disorders and cognitive sciences基礎心理学研究The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science2010
article (author version)室橋, 春光読みとワーキングメモリー : 「学習障害」研究と認知科学Reading and working memory : Studies for "learning disabilities" and cognitive sciencesLD研究-25-Oct-2009
bulletin (article)片桐, 正敏; 小泉, 雅彦; 田近, 健太; 長谷川, 眞優; 寺尾, 敦; 室橋, 春光特別な教育的ニーズのある子どもたちへのIEP実践の検討 : 北海道大学におけるIEPシステムに基づく指導法の課題と可能性A study of practices based on IEP for the children with special educational needs : problems and possibilities for the teaching method of Saturday Class in Hokkaido University子ども発達臨床研究Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development25-Mar-2009
article (author version)室橋, 春光統合失調症におけるMagnocellular系機能をめぐってAbout magnocellular functions in Schizophrenia精神保健研究Journal of mental health31-Mar-2008
bulletin (article)室橋, 春光"軽度"発達障害を持つ子どもたちの支援 その1 : 北大土曜教室の教育的意義Educational Significance of Saturday Class in Hokkaido University子ども発達臨床研究The Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development21-Mar-2008
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