Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research

Cover Figure

Murine erythroid AE1 anion exchanger tagged with an N-terminal enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and an extracellular FLAG epitope exhibits cell surface expression followed by clathrin-mediated endocytosis in transfected HEK293 cells. In this picture, EGFP- and FLAGtagged AE1 at the cell surface are stained with the Cy3-anti-FLAG antibody (red) with DAPI staining for cell nuclei (blue). See the article by Wang et al. on page 157.

Volume 59 Number 4     ( 2011-11 issued )


Cell surface expression and internalization of the murine erythroid AE1 anion exchanger tagged with an extracellular FLAG epitope PDF
Wang, Chen-Chi;Sato, Kota;Otsuka, Yayoi;Inaba, Mutsumi 157-164
Human amniotic membrane and vitamin E /selenium for control of postoperative adhesion in dogs PDF
El-Daharawy, Mohamed;Helal, Ibrahim 165-171


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Shin, Sang-Kyung;Kim, Tae-Wang;Youm, So-Young;Kim, Gonhyung;Na, Ki-Jeong;Chang, Dongwoo;Ahn, Byeongwoo 173-179


INFORMATION: Theses for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PDF